Chapter 8

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"Andy! Wake up baby! We did it!" Lily shouted as she spiraled through the open window to Andrea's bedroom.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Emily groused and settled deeper in her pillow.

"The whole entire village is buzzing! The Queen is getting hitched this afternoon! I just wanted to wish you luck beautiful...I'll catch you later!" Lily called and spiraled out of Andrea's bedroom.

It took a second for Lily's words to register with Andrea's sleep-induced brain, but when they kicked in, she threw the covers off and opened her mouth in a soundless squeal. Her whole entire face lit up, and she hugged Emily before running down the long hallway. She raced down the stairs, only to catch herself from making her presence known when she saw a gorgeous black-haired woman standing next to Miranda and stroking her arm.

"I must have been mistaken," Nigel frowned slightly. "Apparently your mystery maiden does in fact exist. Congratulations."

"We wish to be married as soon as possible," Miranda said in a flat tone.


"This afternoon. The wedding ship departs at sunset."

Andrea's heart plummeted and she struggled to keep herself upright. Tears raced down her face, and she ran off, not knowing that Jacqueline was watching her with an evil glint in her eye.

Andrea watched as the wedding boat holding her beloved floated closer and closer to the horizon. She cried silently as she sunk down to sit on the pier.

"Andy!" Lily's loud cry made her look up sharply. The excited seagull tripped over her words in an effort to get them all out. "That str-strange girl Miranda was with is Jacqueline! The Queen is marrying that sea witch in disguise!"

Andrea stood up in alarm, Jacqueline's voice echoing in her head. . . . Before the sun sets on the third day. . . .Not wasting anymore time, Andrea plunged into the water and struggled to keep herself afloat.

"Andy! Grab onto one of these barrels," Emily cried, cutting the rope that bounded the brown barrels together. "Doug, get her to that boat as fast as you can."

"Will do," Doug said bravely and wiggled in the small rope attached to it. He began swimming quickly, pulling the weight of both the barrel and Andrea.

"I have to tell the sea king," Emily said determinedly.

"Hey! What about me?" Lily asked.

"Find a way to stall that wedding!" Emily commanded and dove into the water with a soft plop.

Lily flew off and started to rally the sea creatures. She yelled, "Come on guys! We've got a real emergency here-Andrea's in trouble!" At the sound of her name, all of the animals and fish started leaping or flying to the wedding boat.

....... ...... ....... .......... ........... .......    ...........

Patricia growled at Jacqueline, but she kicked her and proceeded with a smug grin on her face. The priest began his sermon, and Jacqueline braced herself for the long and boring speech.

A couple miles away, Doug was pushing himself to the limits to get Andrea to the ship in time. "Don't worry," he said between pants, "I'll get you there. We're almost there."

Back at the wedding, the preacher was just getting to the vows. "And do you Queen Miranda, take Vanessa, to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Miranda said with a dazed look in her eyes.

"Do you-" was all the preacher got out before his gravelly voice was drowned out by a shriek.

All kinds of sea creatures started swooping in for attack, causing pandemonium. A starfish attached itself to Vanessa's nose, and she screamed. Birds dive bombed her, and she stumbled backwards, only to be bitten in the butt by a happy Patricia.

"Get away from me you slimy little-" Vanessa shrieked and tried to bat away two very large, intimidating-looking seals.

Andrea pulled herself up the side of the boat after hugging Doug tightly, and her mouth dropped open at the chaos onboard. Women were huddled together watching the scene, and some men were crying whenever a sea animal got close to them. For some reason, the old priest was still carrying on in the background, seemingly oblivious to all the commotion going on around him. Somehow in the struggle, a bird knocked Vanessa over, and the shell holding Andrea's voice shattered. A gold light sang, and it flowed over to where Andrea was standing before seeping into her mouth and back into her throat where it belonged.

"Andrea?" Miranda shook her head to clear it. It felt like she was coming out of a 100-year sleep.

"Miranda," Andrea said her name with such reservation and love, the older woman felt her jaw drop slightly.

"You can talk," Miranda said in wonder. "You're the one!" she rushed over to where the brunette was standing and hugged her tightly, inhaling the sweet and slightly salty smell of her Andrea.

"Get away from her!" Jacqueline's voice was back to its original state and she clutched her throat in horror.

"It was you the whole time," Miranda breathed, pulling back to look in Andrea's compassionate eyes.

"I wanted to tell you," Andrea's eyes filled up with tears. "I really did..."

"Shh," Miranda said tenderly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Andrea's ear. She leaned in to kiss Andrea as the sun sunk behind the horizon. They barely even touched lips before Andrea gasped as an overwhelming pain captured her legs, and her face contorted in agony as she slowly sunk down.

"Andrea!" Miranda cried, clutching Andrea desperately.

"You're too late!" Jacqueline shrieked madly. "Haha! You're too late."

She transformed back into her hideous self and crawled across the ship's deck, making everybody scream. She snatched Andrea, who now had a mermaid's tail, from Miranda's grasp and sat on the edge of the railing before the Queen could even utter a word.

"So long lovergirl," Jacqueline leered and jumped overboard.

"Andrea!" Miranda screamed.


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