Chapter 9

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Underneath the water, the sea witch did not let up on her tight hold for one second. "Poor little princess. It's not you I'm after. I've a much bigger fish to-"

"Stop right there," the sea king drew himself up to his fullest height and glared at Jacqueline.

"Why, King Richard," Jacqueline purred. "How are you?"

"Let my daughter go," Richard's eyes were blazing.

"We made a deal," Jacqueline sighed in fake sympathy. "So I would if I could, but I can't, so I won't."

"Daddy, I'm so sorry," Andrea cried before she was cut off by Stephen and Irv tightening themselves around her mouth.

Richard saw red, and he raised his trident to blast the damned contract, but with no success. The same gold parchment gleamed back at him without a scratch on it as if to mock him.

"You see?" Jacqueline chuckled. "This contract is legal, binding, and completely unbreakable. But, I might be able to strike up a deal. I would trade her for somebody with even more power..."

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"Miranda! What the heck are you doing?" Nigel yelled from the wedding boat.

Rowing to the spot where she saw Andrea and that monster disappear, she stopped and shouted back, "I lost her once Nigel. I'm not going to lose her again." And with that, she dove underwater.

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"Do we have a deal?" Jacqueline asked and held out the scaly skeleton pen for Richard.

He signed, and immediately, he twirled around until he withered down to a sad-looking polyp. Irv and Stephen let go of Andrea, who cried out when she saw her father as a polyp. "Daddy," she whimpered.

"At last," Jacqueline's eyes gleamed with insanity. "It's mine."

White-hot anger flashed through her, and Andrea lunged at the sea witch. "You monster!" She grabbed the trident, and was thrown off quickly by Jacqueline's strong fling.

"Don't fool with me," Jacqueline hissed. "You will-UGH!"

Something sharp pierced her arm, and she whipped her head around to see who had thrown the harpoon. Miranda was paddling in the deep water, staring at her with intense hatred in her cool blue eyes.

"Miranda! Look out!" Andrea yelled desperately when she saw Irv and Stephen wriggling after her.

Miranda broke the surface and inhaled a deep breath before something pulled her back underwater. Two eels wrapped themselves around Miranda, making it difficult to escape and breathe. She glared defiantly at the sea witch.

"Say goodbye," Jacqueline smiled and raised the trident to blast Miranda.

Andrea growled and pushed the trident up, making it hit Irv and Stephen instead. "Nobody messes with my woman," she snarled and flipped her tail so she could reach Miranda faster.

"My poor babies," Jacqueline's eyes turned sad when she held the remains of her two companions, but soon turned stormy and dark when she looked at Andrea swimming to Miranda. Her breathing got heavier, and a dark cloud swirled around her.

"Miranda, you have to leave," Andrea pleaded, trying to back out of her love's embrace, but found she couldn't since Miranda held her closer. Andrea's arms were wrapped around Miranda's neck, and the older woman's arms were slung tightly around her lower back, preventing her from going anywhere.

"I'm not leaving you," Miranda rested her forehead against Andrea's.

The water rumbled underneath them, and both women looked down in surprise. A large yellow object forced them apart, and it took them a second to realize that it was part of Jacqueline's crown.

"You couldn't just leave well enough alone," the huge sea witch's voice deepened considerably. "You are a fool Andrea. Now I am the ruler of the entire ocean, and nothing can stop me."

"Miranda! Jump for it!" Andrea yelled and clutched Miranda's hand before hurdling them both off the crown. Andrea made sure she landed first, and caught Miranda in her arms so as to not hurt her. They clutched each other fearfully and watched the 50-foot monster create a whirlpool and raise shipwrecks, all the while laughing like a madwoman, which she was. Miranda saw a ship coming their way, and shouted, "Andrea, grab ahold of me!" Miranda grabbed onto the dangling rope from the ship and pulled herself up, reaching back to help the brunette, but their fingers kept slipping.

"Miranda!" Andrea screamed before Jacqueline sent a huge gust of wind her way, and she flew off the ship and into the bottom of the whirlpool. Taking great pleasure in the new game she discovered, Jacqueline aimed her trident at Andrea and began shooting at the defenseless mermaid.

Miranda set her jaw and stepped determinedly to the wheel. She grasped the wheel firmly and spun it so that she was heading straight towards Jacqueline, who was facing away from her. Her usual clear blue eyes turned a stormy grey and she gripped the steering wheel so hard, it almost broke.

Jacqueline laughed wickedly and shouted, "So much for true love!" Just as she aimed the spear to end Andrea's life, Miranda drove the ship into her and she screamed a deathly scream, dropping the trident. Miranda dove off the edge of the ship impaled in the sea witch and swam frantically around, searching for Andrea. Her strength was waning, and she screamed for the brunette, but to no avail. Tears streaking down her cheeks, she somehow managed to get herself to the beach. Right as her feet touched the soft sand, she collapsed and fainted, her last thought being about deep pools of chocolate, and plump red lips.


Just one more chapter guys!❤

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