Chapter 2

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"Mum! Dad! Come on! Get a room!" I exclaim in horror having walked in on them making out in the kitchen.

There stood my father, between his wife's legs while she sat on the counter of the kitchen island. Laughing like two teenagers, I watched as my parents slowly stopped kissing to look over at me.

"How was your pool party today hun? Where's your brother and Zayn?" my mother asked while trying to stifle a giggle as her husband's lips moved to her neck.

Cringing slightly at the scene before me, I tried my best not to look at them while walking towards the fridge. Quickly surveying my options, I grabbed a few things for a quick midnight snack. I could feel my face burn at the sounds of pleasure my mother was clearly trying to stifle.

This was not the first time that I caught my parents like this. I was just grateful that they had their clothes on at least.

"The party was good; Thing 1 and Thing 2 are upstairs playing video games." I replied, while placing the items on the counter before asking, "How was Paris?"

My mother swatted at my father's hand while he attempted to reach for her right buttock, "It was good, but we'll tell you all about it in the morning."

Raising his head to look at me, my father had this big grin as he picked my mother off the counter, "Yeah cupcake, see you in the morning!"

I listened to my mother squeal and watched her cling to my father tightly as he lifted her effortlessly. The look that they gave each other said it all before they laughed and all but ran towards the hallway that led to their bedroom.

The skin of my cheeks got even more heated as I knew what they were about to do.

As embarrassing as they could be, the love that my parents had for each other was something that everyone around them admired. I myself hoped to be able to find such a love and be lucky enough to marry the man of my dreams one day.

Humming softly to myself, I began making a panini sandwich when I suddenly felt strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me against a hard chest.

"That looks really good..." Zayn's smooth voice greeted my ear while he nuzzled the skin of my neck.

Doing my best to remain calm, I bit my inner cheek to stop myself from moaning at his touch.

Zayn had always been handsy with me, especially whenever we were play fighting or just hanging out. He would always touch me in some way, shape or form. Whether he was hugging me, playing with my hair or just holding my hand. Once we were close to each other, we were usually attached at the hip, so to speak.

This had never been a problem.

Oh no, the problem began when I stopped seeing him as just my silly best friend, but as a male, and a sexy one at that. One whose touch was arousing and had made me feel things that I never had before.

I thought back to when I had first acknowledged my feelings for Zayn.

We were thirteen and he was dating Sarah Williams at the time, and I must confess that while I was happy for him, it had hurt my heart. I felt like a hot spear had pierced my chest. It was as though I was dying, and as I watched them eating ice-cream together, I asked myself what now.

I had been over it in a week, or at least that is what I told myself.

Obviously, since I was pinning over him years later, it was clear that I was not over Zayn. In fact, I was madly in love with him! He is my first love.

As I continued to enjoy being in his arms, he asked, "What are you making, Chipmunk?"

It had been his annoying nickname for me ever since we were children, because I had very large cheeks. My face grew into them, thankfully, but they were still a handful to pinch, which he took great pleasure in doing whenever he could.

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