Chapter 4

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"Who does Becky Mc-bloody-ass-Laughlin think she is, rubbing up on your man like that! I swear she's been trying to get into Zayn's pants all semester!" Jessica said a bit too loudly, before finishing her fifth Cosmic Slushie.

"Jess! Not so damn loud!" I giggled while pressing a finger against her painted red lips.

"Please! Nobody can hear me over this damn music!" she frowned, before erupting in another laugh.

Jessica's dark brown eyes had a sparkle to them, the alcohol was clearly getting to her. I myself had had a few drinks while we sat next each other on one of the couches in the VIP section. We had arrived almost an hour ago and decided to relax before going down onto the dancefloor.

In the meantime, we decided to knock back a few cocktails while looking around.

There was Becky, sitting next to Zayn pressed up against his side, as they sat across from us, only a few feet away. She was an attractive girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. Since coming back from Easter break, Becky had seemed adamant about trying to make Zayn hers.

As far as I knew, they had not officially gone out on any dates, although they did flirt a lot on occasion. Or rather Becky did more of the flirting while Zayn seemed to just tolerate her presence.

Seeing her move to rest her thigh over his made me grit my teeth. But I was glad when I saw him politely push her leg off of him. I wanted nothing more than push her away from Zayn and sit on his lap and kiss him, marking my territory. Unfortunately, that was not an option.

Turning my gaze away, I looked to see what Kamdyn was up to.

My brother was just off to the right, sitting on another couch with a girl on each arm. They were laughing at something he was saying and rubbing their hands on his shoulders and playing in his hair every chance they got.

Mindy currently had her back against the wall, making out hungrily with her crush Tyler, a guy from our school. I envied her, wishing that it were me and Zayn. However, before I could get too deep into my fantasy, Jessica's breath on my neck made me jump.

Leaning closer to me, she whispered, "You know, I can't wait until you lose your virginity to Zayn, I can just imagine how he's going to have you climbing up the walls. I heard that he does this thing with his tongue on your neck..."

"Stop!" my face immediately flamed up at her words.

I really did not want to think about how many girls Zayn had been with. The rumours around school had been enough to paint me a very vivid picture. A part of me had hoped that they were just that, rumours, but I knew that with everything, there must have been a bit of truth to it.

Similarly, like the stories gossiped about my brother, I never asked about it, I did not want any details.

Where Zayn was concerned, he was free to have sex with whomever he wanted to. Even though deep down, I wished that it would be with me.

Truth be told, I was saving myself for him and at times I allowed myself to indulge in the fantasy and pretend that the rumours were not true and like me, he was a virgin as well.

But, as I continued to look at how gorgeous he was, it was delusional to think that he was not sexually active. I let out a sigh as I refocused my attention on Jessica, whose face softened when she noticed the look on mine.

"Look, at least you know that whenever you do decide to lose your virginity, it'll be better than my first time. Remember how I had to coach my last boyfriend, David?" Jessica asked before continuing, her voice changing for effect, "Not there David, do it here, no dammit not like that, do the figure 8, I said 8 not a circle!"

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