Chapter 7

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Later that night, my twin brother stood behind me with the blow-dryer as I sat at my vanity. With the diffuser attachment in place, Kamdyn helped dry my hair into smooth lustrous curls.

When he finished, I did a simple side part combover, then we switched places. Smiling down at him while we shared potential ideas for our birthday, I applied some gel and styled his hair the way he instructed me to.

Growing up, Zayn, Kamdyn and myself always played in each other's hair, especially in mine, since it was longer and wavier than theirs.

Most times before going out, we usually helped each other get dressed. Which is why it was really important that things with Zayn did not become awkward as I did not want to mess up the dynamics that we have spent our whole lives building.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened earlier today?" Kamdyn suddenly asked as he went to sit on my bed, while I sat back down by the vanity and applied moisturiser to my face.

Pausing my movements, I looked at him from the mirror, "Huh?"

"Huh?" he mocked me, before adding, "You going to be like Z and act daft as well? Swear you guys were made for each other!"

His eyes remained focused on me while he grumbled under his breath. He then looked away and began picking at the hem of his white polo shirt. I could see his brows creasing tightly together, as though he was battling with something on his mind.

Letting out a sigh, "Well, you already know about the little incident that happened before we went shopping. When Jessica had Zayn come into my dressing room, he basically told me that I made a good call because it would have been a mistake if we kissed due to the close friendship that was have. Of course, I didn't counter and left it as is..." I continued telling him of my decision not to pursue my feelings while applying my favourite eyeliner and mascara.

My brother exhaled exasperatedly as he ran a hand down his face, "Bloody hell... Look sis, I love you, but as your older brother and a best friend to you both, all I will say is that if you believe that this is the best decision, I'll support you. Even if personally, I feel like it's a mistake."

"A mistake?" I asked as I puckered my lips, applying a red tinted gloss.

Nodding as he stood, "Yes, I believe that if you love someone, you should tell them. Okay, so Zayn said he didn't want to damage the friendship that you guys have. But he doesn't know how you truly feel about him, maybe if he knew, his decision would have been different. I mean, he was the one that was trying to kiss you this morning, not the other way around. Like, think about it Kae, I swear self-doubt can be so sabotaging sometimes."

Sitting back as I looked at my reflection, I silently wondered if my brother was trying to secretly tell me something without openly breaking our Triple Threat pact.

Could it be that Zayn liked me more than as a friend?

I shook my head, not really wanting to ponder on the thought for now.

Standing up, I walked over to my brother, admiring how the polo shirt looked perfect with his fitted light blue shorts and boat shoes. When going out, we sometimes liked to match, playing up on the whole twin thing.

As a result, I wore a sleeveless white thick-strapped crop top with a high-waisted light blue skinny jean. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I was feeling particularly pretty tonight. Which was a bit odd, seeing as I had such a confusing day, especially where my emotions were concerned.

Stretching my entire 5foot 11inches frame, I liked how proportionate my body looked in this outfit.

"What shoes? Trainers or something else?" I enquired.

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