Chapter 2 - The Truth Comes To Light And A New Guardian Awakens

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     Over the next few months, Kevin has notices some changes: weight loss; increased height; increased strength; increased speed and stamina. Kevin took the time to experiment with these changes and found out some interesting information. He learned that when his anger rises his right eye changes color and reveals the flame insignia, and he starts to displays weird powers, the power to create and control flames. Due to the manifestation of his powers, Kevin has become even more distant especially with Danny. This was worrying Danny, so he confronted Kevin multiple times, but Kevin acted as if nothing was wrong, even though Danny knew this wasn't true.

     One day Kevin thought to himself: I feel bad for lying to Danny all the time, but I can't let anyone know about this. Maybe if I ignore it it'll go away on its own. At that moment Rage speaks up: "It won't be going away, you're stuck with this power and that won't change." Kevin was left completely shocked, Due to the fact, Rage had said and done nothing after the incident. Rage questions" "What? Why are you so quiet?" Kevin snaps out of it and responds: "Sorry, it's just you've been quiet lately. I started to wonder what happened to you after the incident." Rage quickly replies: "I was doing something important, that's all."

     A week later Kevin received a call from Danny, wanting to hang out. Kevin felt bad for ignoring his best friend decided to agree to hang out. An hour later Kevin and Danny were sitting in a restaurant, talking and eating when Danny speaks up: "Hey man, what's been going on with you lately?" Kevin sighs then asks: "You remember the incident in front of the game shop?" Danny questions: "Yeah, why?" Kevin closed his eyes and thought for a moment then says: "You won't believe me if I told you, so I'll have to show you. After we finish eating, we'll go someplace isolated and on the way there I will fill you in." Danny protests at first but eventually agrees to go.

     After Kevin and Danny finish eating, Kevin pays for the food and he and Danny leave to go to an isolated area. After driving for over an hour with Kevin filling Danny in on what happened in the hole after they fell in, Kevin finds an area filled with trees, so Kevin pulls over. Kevin and Danny get out of the car and walk into the cluster of trees. After walking for a long time, they find a clearing with a log just lying on the ground. Kevin requests that Danny sits next to him. Danny hesitates but finally does sit next to him. At this point, Kevin says: "I'm going to show you something, and it's going to be weird." Danny waits a few seconds, then responds: "Okay." After hearing that, Kevin stands up and walks towards the center of the clearing. He turns around to face Danny and closes his eyes and inhales then exhales. After doing this a few times Kevin finally opens his left eye, then he opens his right revealing the change in color and appearance of the insignia. After doing this Kevin extends his left hand and asks Danny to keep an eye on it. A few seconds later Kevin's hand in engulfed in flames. This shocks Danny to the point he fell on the log. After recovering, Danny questions Kevin: "Doesn't it hurt?"

     Kevin lightly chuckles then replies: "No, I have complete control over it, watch." Kevin then turns his hand to face Danny, When suddenly the flames around Kevin's hand move to fit inside his hand and take the shape of a katana. The sight of this shocks Danny to no end. After a few minutes of questions, Kevin says: "I have no idea why I was given this power. I have no use for it." All of a sudden a random voice says: "You were chosen by the previous guardian of flame, like us." Kevin and Danny were surprised to hear the voice when Kevin shouts: "Who's there, Show yourself." Out of nowhere, five people appear as if by magic. Four of five of them were around Kevin and Danny's age, while the fifth one looked to be in his thirties. Kevin asks them who they are while holding the katana towards them ready to use it and protect Danny. The eldest of the five extends his hand out and a whirl of air forms a gun in his hand. at that point another of the five steps in between them shouting: "That's enough, lower your weapons. We came here to see how far the new guardian of flame has come along and by the looks of it, you've come pretty far." Kevin slightly lowers his weapon to the point where he can still pull it up if he senses danger will befall him and Danny. Kevin Questions the one in front of him: "Who are you guys, and how did you find us?" The one Closest to Kevin smiles lightly, then says: "We are the guardians, protectors of this world from the ones know as the corrupted. I'm known as Seismic, The blue-haired one is Aqua, the green-haired older gentleman is Jet, the silver-haired one is Bolt, and finally, we have the black-haired one is Shadow, and you are Pyro, our leader." Kevin looks back at Danny and all Danny only shrugs, Kevin then looked back to the group and exclaims: "Yeah, that's not happening. Look, Seismic is it, I don't believe that story."

     Seismic sighed then points at the sword and says: "That's all the proof we need to prove you are our leader Pyro Firestorm." Jet jumps in: "There's no way this kid is a replacement for the previous Pyro. He's nowhere near the man he was." Jet raises his gun again and points it at Kevin and Danny and starts to squeeze the trigger. A bullet that whips the air around it leaves the barrel as the others are shocked by Jet's actions, they look toward Kevin in enough time to see him envelop in flames and swing his sword at the bullet and sends a powerful shockwave that's followed by intense heat. As the group recovers from Kevin's attack Danny stares at him in amazement and awe. Kevin then lifts his sword and points it at the group and shouts: "If you ever try to harm Danny again, I won't hesitate to kill you. Remember that." All of a sudden Jet starts laughing and says: "Wow, that's way more power than the previous Pyro had at that age. I acknowledge you, Pyro Firestorm." Jet then kneels and apologizes to Kevin and Danny. At that moment Jet looks at Danny and sees that he is his successor. Jet stands up and walks over to Danny and holds out his hand. Danny hesitates but remembers what Kevin did and said, so he shakes Jet's hand. At that moment Seismic and Kevin knew what was happening, but couldn't stop it because they were enveloped in a tornado. In the tornado, Jet says: "You are my successor Danny, I give you the power of the air. Use it well young man and protect your friend with your life as I did with mine, or tried to." Danny smiles as he exclaims: "I will protect him, thank you for the chance to do so." Jet smiles and says as he vanishes: "Your welcome young man, and thank you for letting me be with my friend."

     The tornado dissipates and reveals Danny alone and with a few changes: green hair; and his right eye changed color and has a wind insignia. Kevin looks on in shock and steps closer and asks: "Danny, is that you?" Danny stands there smiles and replies: "Yep, it's me, by the way Seismic, I wish to help you guys." Seismic steps up and says: "Well that was quite the surprise, who knew we would find not one but two new guardians today, right guys?" The other three nod their heads in agreement. Kevin turns towards Seismic sighs and Exclaims: "I don't agree to join you guys, but I'm interested so I'll hear you guys out if I like what I hear I might join you, but no promises. We'll meet up later and you'll tell me everything you know about the situation okay?" Seismic agrees to this, as do the others. After agreeing, the group of four leaves as mysteriously as they arrived. Kevin turns to Danny and says: "Let's go home Danny, I don't know about you but I'm tired." Danny agrees, and the two head home and wait for the day when they meet the other four again.

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