Chapter 6 - A Dire Situation and New Powers

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     It's been two months since Kevin disappeared during the training session with Jason. During those two months, the Police have been searching all over the country for Kevin, Meanwhile, the Guardians took the search into their hands as well and looked all over in the other continents. Their search yielded no results just like the Police so after a long time searching the Guardians stopped their search and continued while worrying where Kevin went to, with Heather worrying the most. His disappearance affected her so much so that she missed the past week of school. Heather wakes up to her phone going off. She looks to see if it's Kevin, only to be disappointed that it was Jason.

     Heather decides to ignore the call because she was still upset that Jason forced Kevin to lose control. Her mother entered the telling her it was time to get up. Heather just turned over and covered her head with her blanket. Her mother was worried, so she sat at the foot of the bed to comfort her after he disappeared. Her mother speaks with a reassuring voice: "I'm sure he'll be home soon honey. The best thing we can do is carry on until he returns home. Now come on, it's time to get dressed for school." Heather speaks up from underneath the covers: "Mom, it's Saturday." Her mother says: "Oh, still you need to get up." After speaking her mother got up and left the room. Immediately after She uncovered her head and looked at her phone's lock screen which had a photo of Kevin in class sleeping.

     Heather thought to herself Where are you, Kevin? Why haven't you returned home yet, everybody is worried about you. she gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen to get something to eat. She Made a bowl of cereal, ate it, and went back to her room without saying anything to her parents. When she got back to her room she lay down for a couple of hours until she picked up her phone to look at the lock screen and noticed she had a message from Danny saying we need to talk, meet us at the restaurant. She got dressed and teleported to the restaurant. She saw Jason and immediately looked away. Danny sighs and speaks up: "Look until Kevin comes back we need to stay together. If the Destroyers attack I don't think we will stand a chance unless we're coordinated." Heather retorts: "I can't work with him, it's because of him Kevin lost control and disappeared!" Jason Blurts out: "Don't you think I know that!!! I didn't know that would happen, I didn't know his power was that great, I regret it and I can't take it back. Not to mention the wound on my chest isn't fully healing." Heather, Mark, and Charles look at Jason in shock. Mark questions: "How is it not healing? what did he do to you to stop the regeneration?" Danny Asks: "What are you guys talking about?" Charles looks at Danny and explains: "The Guardians and Destroyers have high regeneration, that's how we can keep battling even after taking such injuries." Danny looks at Jason and goes to speak but hesitates. Jason notices this and asks Danny to speak up. Danny sighs and says: "Can Guardian powers enhance a normal person's power? because if they can, I know why you're not fully healing."

     The group looks at Danny with an unsure look. Danny explains: "Kevin once said to me he has a curse of destruction, meaning everything he touches is destroyed. It could be because of that form his destructive power was enhanced to where it stopped your regeneration. It's just a theory though." The group speaks in unison: "We have no idea, Something like this has never occurred before." Danny sighs then speaks: "We should probably go in and get something to eat." the group heads in and gets something to eat. The TVs in the restaurant are talking about Kevin's disappearance, which saddens Heather even more. Danny speaks up: "We should walk around town for a while, enjoy it a bit don't you agree?" everyone agrees.they get their meals and eat. After they finish eating a thought occurred, who is going to pay for the bill? Danny called the waitress over. The waitress asks: "What can I help you with?" Danny speaks: "Can we open a tab under the Kevin?" The waitress replies: "I don't know, let me ask the manager?" the waitress leaves to talk to the manager. After a while, the waitress returns. The waitress says: "We can open a tab and it must be paid at the end of the month, what is the name of the person who will be paying?" Danny says: "Kevin Howitzer." The waitress says: "very well, thank you and have a nice day." the group bid farewell and leave.

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