Chapter 3 - The Guardians' History

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     A few weeks pass by and neither Kevin nor Danny had heard from the others since Danny inherited the power of Jet. Kevin has been wondering how they will contact him and Danny due to the fact they never gave them their numbers. As soon as the thought finished, he receives a call from an unknown number. He hesitates for a bit before answering: "Hello?" The feminine voice on the other side says: "Hello to you too, Pyro." Kevin questions: "Who are you and why did you call me that?" The girl came to a realization and speaks: "That's right, I never said anything when we met a few weeks ago. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm the guardian of water, Aqua Tsunami."

     Kevin remembers back to the first time he met the other guardians, and what Seismic said when he introduced them, 'The blue-haired girl is Aqua'. Kevin then says: "I remember now, you were the blue-haired girl." Aqua states: "yep, although you can call by my real name, Heather." Kevin chuckles a little then says: "Well you can call me by my real name, Kevin. Before we continue, I want to ask you something." Heather replies: "Go ahead and ask away." Kevin asks, "How did you get my number in the first place?"

     Heather answers: "Ah, Seismic got a hold of Jet's number and got it from him." Kevin rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs, "Of course, I figured as much, I just wanted to confirm it. I have another question: "Why did you call me and not Seismic?" Heather hesitates for a second, then responds: "Well, we didn't get a chance to talk when we last met, so I insisted that I be the one to call you." Kevin's curiosity almost satisfied, says: "You still haven't answered one of my questions." Heather then answers: "I'm calling to arrange a meeting between the guardians. When would you be able to meet up with everyone?"

     Kevin exclaims: "I'll be able to meet up with everyone on Friday after school ends. Where will we be meeting up at?" On Heather's side, there is nothing but silence. Kevin sighs then asks: "He Doesn't have a place to meet up, does he?" Heather responds quietly: "No." Kevin says: "I know a restaurant in town that will be able to fit the six of us, I'll send you the address and you can send it to the others telling them to up there. I'll inform Danny and pick him up, then head there myself." Heather then says with excitement: "Okay I will inform the others, and thank you for coming up with a place to meet." Kevin says: "Also tell Seismic that the next time he wants everyone to meet up, to come up with a place and time before contacting everyone." Heather chuckles then speaks: "Alright, I'll tell him that, well I'll see you Friday." Kevin says: "Later."

     After Heather hangs up Kevin saves her number to his phone, then sends the address to her via text. He then calls Danny and informs him of what's happening and where. Danny agrees and hangs up. After talking to Danny, Kevin lays on his bed with his phone in his hand. He starts thinking to himself, Today is far too tiring, I think I'll get some rest. Kevin then rolls over on to his side and falls asleep.

     A few days later on Friday. Kevin is in his final class of the day when the bell ring to end school. He thinks Finally, the class couldn't have ended sooner. He heads to his locker and gets his stuff, then heads to his car. As he's heading towards his car, his phone rings. Kevin pulls his phone out of his pocket and sees that Danny is calling and answers his phone: "Hey Danny, I'm on my way to my car to pick you up." Danny then says: "Alright, just wanted to make sure you were gonna keep your word." Kevin laughs then responds: "Who do you think you're talking to, I'll see you in a bit. Until then man." Danny Says: "Alright, peace man." As the two hang up, Kevin arrives at his car. He gets in, and heads to get Danny. After Kevin picks up Danny they head to the restaurant. Ten minutes later, Kevin and Danny arrive at the restaurant, they head in and look to see if they can find the others but they can't. At this point, Kevin receives a call from Heather. Heather asks: "We will be there soon so can you get a table for us?" Kevin replies: "Sure, see you in a bit, Heather." Kevin hangs up the phone and Danny questions: "Who's Heather, and when did you get a girl's number?" Kevin sighs then explains the situation. The explanation shocks Danny to no end. Kevin then asks for a table for six and is taken to his table.

     A few minutes later a group of four walks through the doors. They are spotted by Danny and waves for them to join them. When the four arrive, they take certain spots, Shadow across from Kevin, Heather next to Kevin, Seismic next to Heather, and Bolt takes the sot between Danny and Shadow. Everyone greets each other and orders food and drinks. After a bit of sitting around, Kevin suddenly speaks: "Alright Seismic, why are we here?" Seismic chuckles then replies: "Simple, we're here so you and Danny can learn about the history of the guardians and the corrupted ones." Kevin leans back in his seat and says: "Let's start then, I'd like to go home." Seismic chuckles then speaks: "Very well, but it's a long story." Kevin speaks up: "That's fine." Seismic inhales then exhales and starts: "Long ago after existence was created, GODS were born and brought forth to shape the cosmos after the cosmos was shaped they created seven being to go to each universe and create planets that were able to sustain life. Our planet was the last to be created. As time passed by, they lived on Earth and watch over humanity. While watching, they agreed to pass their powers on to those they chose worthy. After choosing their successors, they gave them their powers, but the powers destroyed the new hosts. At this point, the seven beings decided to split their powers into two types, LIGHT, and DARK. When the candidates were chosen they found that separating the powers caused the two sides to fight each other. Thus creating an endless cycle of combat. The battle continues to this day, and we were chosen to be on the side of light. Our job is to make sure the corrupted ones don't destroy all of humanity. That's pretty much it about the history and mission of the guardians." Kevin leans forward and says: "That's cool and all, but one thing, where's the seventh?" Seismic thought for a few minutes then says: "200 years ago, the seventh person for both sides had disappeared without a trace. I guess you could say that our second mission is to find the seventh member of the team." 

     After an hour of questions and answers, Danny says: "I will join you in your mission to protect humanity, but I don't think Kevin will join." Seismic looks at Danny and asks: "What do you mean, why won't he join us?" Danny was about to speak when Kevin says: "I don't care for humanity, look for someone else to help you." The other four looked at Kevin with surprised expressions. After a second Heather speaks up: "Why do you hate people so much?" Kevin looked at Heather and said with malice in his voice: "I'm tired of innocent people being killed for no reason. There is too much bloodshed and war in this world, I refuse your request. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going home." Kevin got up to leave and pay the bill when Heather grabbed his hand and begged him to help them but he refused. Kevin paid the bill and left with Danny to go home. On the way to Danny's house, Danny asks: "Why won't you help them?" Kevin responds: "It's not my concern, it doesn't affect me, you know how I am." Danny agrees and decides to drop the topic. Kevin drops Danny off at his house and heads home. Kevin arrives at home and goes inside. He stops to talks to his parents about his day, excluding the parts about the guardians. After Kevin and his parents finish talking, he goes to his room to rest. When he closes his door he gets a call from Heather. He answers the phone: "Hey, Heather, I'm sorry, but I refuse to help you guys." Heather corrects him: "That's not why I called, I wanted to ask you out on a date." Kevin taken aback by the question stutters: "Y-yeah sure, I'm free tomorrow if that's okay with you." Heather replies with happiness in her voice: "Sounds good to me, see you tomorrow." After speaking Heather hung up. Kevin had been left completely shocked by the question. After a few minutes, Kevin snapped out of it and felt exhausted, so he decided to go to bed.

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