Chapter 7 - Obtaining new powers

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     In a familiar scene, Kevin is sitting at the edge of the lake with Flame next to him, watching the water move with the wind. Out of nowhere, someone appears next to him. "It's been a while, my boy, how are you doing?" asks the strange person, who has a familiar voice to Kevin. Kevin smiles and tilts his head back to look at the sky. Kevin says: "It certainly has Gramps, I miss the days I sat at your side without a care in the world." Kevin stands up and faces his Grandfather. The Grandfather speaks: "You have grown into a fine young man, the only exception is your anger." Kevin looked him in the eye and says: "My anger allowed me to save those important to me, Gramps. Without it, Heather, Danny, and the others would be right now. I agree my hatred towards people could lessen a bit, but I feel it will be invaluable in the long run, even with the consequences." Grandfather speaks one last time: "All I can do is have faith in you, My little sun." Kevin's grandfather disappeared shortly after. Flame turned her head and speaks: "That was touching and all, but you should wake up now, your alarm is going off." Kevin speaks without looking at Flame: "Yeah, you're right. I'll see you tomorrow night." and disappeared.

     Kevin woke up in his and shut off his alarm. He went to the bathroom and showered, then he returned to his room and got dressed for school. He heads to the kitchen to eat breakfast. He arrives just as his mom is finishing breakfast. He sat down with his parents and ate breakfast. After breakfast, Kevin left for school and stopped by to pick up Heather on the way. On the way to school, they were listening to music, when Heather asks: "Hey Jack, Who was the person who made you?" Jack replies: "My creator doesn't wish to be known, so I can't answer that question." Heather looks at Kevin and asked the same question. He responds: "I know who made Jack, but he doesn't want to reveal his identity to the public yet." Heather had a dissatisfied look on her face so she looked out the window for the rest of the ride. Seeing the look on her face Kevin knew it time to reveal his secrets. When they arrive at school Kevin says: "Hey, Can you meet me for lunch in the usual spot there are somethings I need to tell you." Seeing his face, all she could say was okay. They entered the building, went to their lockers, and went to there respective class.

     Around lunchtime, Heather met Kevin on the roof of the school. Heather sees Kevin and asks: "What did you want to talk about?" He looks at and says: "It's time I tell you about myself. Past and all." She questions: "What do you mean?" He sighs and speaks: "The only other person who knows about this is Danny." He pulls out his phone. He speaks: "The one who created Jack was me." Heather laughs. After a while, she stopped laughing and says: "That's funny, how could someone of a highschool level program an entire AI." "The coding was hard," Kevin says "But the hardest was coding his personality because I wanted someone with a caring voice. It took a while but I was finally able to get it right. it was all experimentation, but I was able to get him to sound like my grandfather." Heather looked at him. At this point, Danny came up to the roof. Danny saw them and says: "Hey guys, what are you doing?" Heather looks at Danny and asks: "Is what he's saying true? Did he create Jack?" Danny looks at him and says: "You finally decided to tell someone your secrets, huh? Yes, it's true, Kevin worked day and night to make Jack. Kevin's grandfather inspires jack's personality. I've never had the pleasure of meeting him, but from what I've heard, Jack is as close as possible. Here I have a video of him working on it." Danny takes out his phone and shows Heather the video. Heather looks at Kevin in shock and Says: "How is this possible? A high schooler shouldn't be able to do something like this." Danny looks at Kevin. Kevin speaks: "It's because I'm a genius." Heather has no words at the moment. After a few minutes, Heather asks: "Why would you make Jack like your grandfather?" Kevin sighs and says: "I miss having him by my side, that's all." Heather asks: "Can't you see him any time you want?" Kevin turns his head to the side. Danny sighs and says: "His grandfather died in an accident when he was eight." Heather asks: "What happened?" Kevin finally speaks up: "The Orion Stadium bombings." Heather's eyes widen. She asks: "You mean the attack that only let one survivor?" Kevin says: "Yeah, it's not a pleasant day to remember for me." Heather grew a look of surprise. Kevin removes his shirt to reveal a scar on the right side of his chest. Kevin states: "If they found me later than they did I wouldn't be here right now. This is the only wound I've suffered, My grandfather, on the other hand, was not as lucky." Heather hesitates then asks: "How did he die?" Kevin sighs and explains: "When the explosion went off, my grandfather and his friend tried to shield me from the blast, a shard came towards me and pierced my right lung." The warning bell rings. Kevin says after putting on his shirt: "We should go to class. we can talk later when everyone meets up." Heather asks while still in a state of shock: "Meets up for what?" Kevin smiles and says: "So you guys can obtain the emissary form as I have. For now, we have to get to class."

     After school, Kevin has Jack message everyone to meet up at the spot in the forest. He hears dings from behind him and turns to see who is there. He sees Heather and Danny standing there. Danny asks: "Shall we get going then?" Kevin replies: "Sure, hop in." Danny Heather and Kevin get in the car and head to the spot. When they arrive at the spot they are greeted by the others. Jason asks: "So why are we meeting up?" Kevin states: "While I was gone, I obtained incredible powers, such powers as level two, three, and the emissary form." Mark speaks up: "Yeah that insane power that blew away the destroyers." Kevin says: "Yep, Heather has already hit level two. I can help obtain the powers I have gotten myself." Danny questions: "How are you going to that?" Kevin smiles and brings out his sword. Kevin states: "It's simple, I'm going to send you guys to alternate dimensions and have you stay there for a while." Charles inquires: "Why?" Kevin sighs and explains: "When I disappeared, I went an alternate dimension, one filled with fire. In that dimension, a thousand years passed. there I relived my worst memory over and over again for 500 years, and for the other 500, I learned how to obtain my powers with Flame's help." Mike speaks up: "That took you two months to do, how do you expect us to do it in a day?" Kevin smiles and says: "I know to do it, so I can help you guys shorten the time. You won't have the experience I have with the powers but you will an idea on how to use them. If my math is right you will spend 17 years in your alternate dimensions. I should mention this, the only reason why I know how long I was in there was because of Flame. Your partners will keep track of the time you are there. So, you only have the time of one day, mostly because I don't want to waste my power by keeping the gates open for too long." Heather asks: "What do we have to do?" Kevin sighs and says: "That part is not simple. First is the memory, to get past that you need to accept it while controlling the emotion linked to your power for me I accepted it while controlling my anger. Now for your partners, you need to enter your ideal place, that is where they lie in slumber waiting for you. you talk with them and they will guide you on how to draw the power out. Which is related to the first task. From there your partners will take over. You may want to pay attention to them. That's all I have to say on the matter, and I will not be taking any more questions. We are doing this now." Danny says while scrambling to get ready: "Wait, hold on, we're not ready yet-" Kevin interrupts him: "Don't care, bye." Kevin swings his sword creating six portals, one behind each person and the shockwave sent them in. Kevin says with a stern look: "I wish I could say the training will be easy but I would be lying. the pain will be excruciating. good luck everyone."

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