Chapter 4 - The Corrupted Ones Appears And The Final Guardian Joins The Fray

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     The next day Kevin woke up to a call from Heather. Heather says enthusiastically: "Good morning Kevin." Kevin groggily replies: "'Morning Heather." Heather asks worriedly: "I didn't wake you did I?" Kevin replies: "It's fine, I was about to wake up anyway." Heather, still worried, says: "If you're sure." Kevin reassures her. Kevin asks: "So why did you call?" Heather exclaims: "Oh, I wanted to ask what time we are going to meet up?" Kevin suggests: "How about I pick you up at 10 o'clock?" Heather blushes and stutters: "U-um, s-sure that w-works. I'll send you my address then." Kevin says: "Alright, I'll spend the time getting ready. See you at Ten. I'll message you when I get there." Heather responds with excitement in her voice: "Alright, see you then." Heather hangs up the phone after finishing her sentence.

     A few seconds later Kevin hears his mom call for him. Kevin leaves his room and heads to the kitchen. Once he reaches the kitchen he is greeted by his mom and dad. He returns the greetings. Kevin sat down at the kitchen table. Kevin's mother asks: "how do you want your eggs, Kevin." Kevin ponders for a minute then responds: "Scrambled, please." Kevin's mom says: "Scrambled eggs coming up." Kevin says: "Thanks, mom." Kevin's mom starts cooking his eggs. Kevin's father asks: " Do you have any plans for today?" Kevin hesitates for a second the responds: "Yes, I have a date today." Kevin's parents look at him with shocked expressions. Kevin continues: "I know, it took me by surprise too. That's why I'll be hopping in the shower after I eat breakfast." After finishing the sentence, Kevin's phone went buzzed. he looked at it and saw that he had a message from Heather. The Message contained Heather's address.

     After looking at the message Kevin turned his phone off. Just as he did, His mother set his plate in front of him. Kevin says: "It looks delicious mom." Kevin's mom says back: "Thank you, now eat up. After all, you have a date today." Kevin smiles, then says: "Alright." Kevin starts eating after finishing his sentence. After taking a half hour to eat, Kevin stands up and leaves to go take a shower. An hour later Kevin gets out of the shower and heads to his room to get dressed in his favorite outfit. After getting dressed he typed Heather's address in his phone to see how far away she lives. Much to his surprise, she lives Fifteen minutes away from him.

     An hour and 45 minutes have passed, and Kevin grabs his phone and his keys. He heads to the living room to tell his parents that he is leaving. His mom asks: "What time will you be coming home?" Kevin says: "I will be home in time for dinner." His mom smiles and says, "Alright, Have fun." Kevin smiles back and says, "I will, bye mom, bye dad." Kevin left as soon as he finished his sentence. Kevin heads outside to his car and gets in. He starts the car and plugs his phone into it. After doing so, Kevin pulls out his parents' driveway and heads towards Heather's house. After Fifteen minutes he arrives at Heather's house. He grabs his phone and messages, Heather, that he has arrived. With Heather sitting in her room, She thinks to herself, I wonder when he'll get here? Just then she received a text from Kevin saying he arrived. She stands up and heads to go meet Kevin. Back to Kevin outside leaning on his car with his eyes closed, waiting for her to come out. He hears a sound and opens his eyes to see Heather dressed in a blue dress with a wave pattern near the bottom, a jacket the same way as his but blue and with a wave pattern like her dress, and shoes the same way, coming his way. He straightens up and stares in awe at how beautiful she looks. Heather walks up to Kevin. She notices he was staring and blushes and asks: "What's wrong? Why are you staring at me?" Kevin starts blushing, at which point he turns his head to the side and scratches his cheek and says: "Nothing it's just your appearance caught me off guard, that's all." Heather blushes even more. After a few moments of silence, Kevin speaks up: "we should get going." Heather agrees.

     Kevin opens the passenger side door for Heather. She gets in and Kevin goes around to the driver's side and gets in. After getting in, he pulls out of Heather's driveway and heads to the destination. A few minutes pass and Heather asks: "Where are we going?" Kevin Answers with: "The mall, it's been a while since I've been there and there's plenty of stuff to do." Heather inquires: "which mall?" Kevin replies: "Genesis mall, I used to go once a month, but ever since I got this power, I haven't been there at all." After a brief second of silence, Kevin says: "I noticed you live close by to me, and I have a few questions to ask." Heather says: "Go ahead and ask any questions you have, I'll answer as many as possible." Kevin sighs, then asks: "What high school do you go to?" Heather instantly replies: "Orion Lake High." After hearing her response Kevin's face showed a shocked expression. Kevin asks another question: "Do we have any classes together?" Heather instantly replies again: "Yes, we have the same science class." Kevin remarks, "I never saw you before, Where do you sit?" Heather quickly replies: "I sit next to you." Kevin was befuddled by that response. After a second, he recovered and said: "Huh, I apologize for never noticing for you." She says: "It's fine, guardians go without notice all the time, so it doesn't affect me." Kevin ponders for a minute, then moves onto his next question: "Do the corrupted ones have another name?" Heather replies in the same way: "No, they do not." Kevin suggests: "How about we call them the Destroyers?" Heather thinks for a minute then responds: "That could work."

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