Chapter Six: Of Patrols and Elflings

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Sakura woke to daylight with a yawn, wrapped up in a warm cloak once more. Somehow she was aware of the gently hand that brushed against her dirt streaked cheek in an effort to wake her moments before it happened, so her shinobi instincts weren't as riled up as they could've been. Not that she had any weapons on her person with which to jam into his throat. Her limbs were practically sticks too, so it was probably for the best that her newfound childishness made it so she trusted the strange golden-haired being a smidgeon more than she should have. She squinted up at him suspiciously, nibbling on the offering of breakfast that had been given to her, eyeing the one they'd called Glorfindel all the while. If he gave her just one thing to be suspicious of, then she'd... Sakura blinked, shivers running down her spine as she realised there was nothing she could feasibly do, short of running away from him. And the small childish part of her whimpered in fright at the thought of being alone in the strange forest again.

His teeth were unnaturally white, she decided as he grinned at her once more, before asking her questions in that strange unfamiliar language. Well, she assumed they were questions at least, from the tone of his voice. Sakura clamped her lips shut, her eyes fixed on his face in the silence that fell after he'd finished speaking. He didn't seem to be angry at her lack of answers, more befuddled and saddened by her refusal to open her mouth. The frown soon vanished from his expression though as he lifted her up, cloak and all, and gracefully set both of them on the white horse she'd woken up on the first time.

Silently, Sakura missed her chakra. She longed to feel it flowing through her, if only so she could take to the trees and escape the boredom that came with hours upon hours of horse riding. It was mind-numbingly boring to just sit there – and it wasn't like she could sit on the horse by herself. No, she had to have Glorfindel hold her in place, whether it be by arm or the makeshift sling that consisted of the travelling cloak she'd apparently borrowed. Not that the weather was looking to take a turn for the worse anytime soon. The skies were mercifully clear for the time being.

Biting her lip as gently as she could, she stared blankly at the sky, wishing there were clouds she could at least count, or muse over their shapes, but the universe still apparently hated her, and the skies remained clear for the rest of the day.

It wasn't until evening that the group of her new clansmen made camp, aside for a quick stop in the middle of the day for a light lunch. Everything was similar to the night before, though she was slightly less alarmed when lifted to and from Glorfindel's mount. She refused to cling to him more than necessary. The very idea burnt at her pride. Well, the tatters that were left after having been punted into a forest in a child's body. Sakura sighed softly, blinking in mild confusion as she wasn't set down immediately as had been done last time they'd made camp.

Another of her clansmen came over, offering out a saddlebag of some description, Glorfindel nodding his thanks before carrying her into the forest. Sakura tightened her grip on him, relaxing only slightly when their destination became apparent – a shallow, slowly flowing river.

He set her down on the banks next to what Sakura presumed to be the safest part of the clear waters to bathe in. She assumed she was supposed to wash, not just thanks to the bar of what had to pass as soap and the set of hilariously large dry clothing set down by a small fluffy towel that was soon set out on the dry grass. Why they had a towel on their little trip, Sakura had no clue... None of her new clansmen were on a vacation as far as she could tell. One didn't generally tend to go on holiday armed to the teeth, unless they were shinobi. But there weren't any shinobi without chakra, so there couldn't be any there.

A wooden comb was pressed into her hands, Glorfindel speaking to her in that strange unfamiliar language she couldn't make heads or tails of. Still, it was fairly obvious he was giving her a chance to bathe – and she didn't know why she was so surprised by that. She was covered in dirt and grime, and there was a thick covering of it thanks to her conveniently forgetting about her personal hygiene. Not that she was going to be that concerned by it when chased by those terrifyingly twisted creatures who'd shot a damned arrow into her shoulder. Frowning, she rubbed at the spot her wound had been only a day or two before. How it had healed up so quickly, she wasn't quite sure. Movement in the corner of her eye snapped her out of her daze, and her eyes snapped over to where the golden-haired figure sat, his back turned to her.

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