Chapter Eleven: Getting the Gang Back Together

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Sasuke raised a sceptical eyebrow, ignoring the way Sakura was happily sitting in the arms of her favourite golden-haired elf – and it wasn't Naruto, much to his idiotic friend's disappointment. "That is not going to work," he said, folding his arms as he stared between Naruto and the basket propped up over a plate of food. "Do you think he's an idiot or what?"

Naruto huffed. "Well, what else would you suggest?"

"I don't know, maybe going out and scouting the area for him?" Sasuke hissed, silently wishing he was still in that bleak, silent place. He wanted his brother back. He wanted to curl up quietly in a ball somewhere, but then Naruto would just come and bother him.

"Our... minders said they'd only take us out deep into the forest occasionally, like for a picnic or something, 'coz it's dangerous or something," Naruto informed him, arms crossed. "And Kakashi will be evasive if he hasn't already gotten out of the area."

Sasuke huffed. "Why can't he just come back already?" he grumbled, beyond fed up of plotting to get their idiot sensei-turned-elfling to come bac to them. They were family. They were the only things each of them had.

Sasuke knew Naruto would be damned if he let Kakashi be alone then and there. Really, their idiot sensei should have known Naruto wouldn't let him just vanish. But he was somewhat thick-headed no matter how incredible of a shinobi he had been.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at him, as if to say you really think that would have worked with you back then?

If he had hackles, they would have been raised. He hated being reminded of what he'd done in his blind rage. Of what Itachi had driven him to. Hadn't he realised what it would do to him when Itachi chose to kill himself through Sasuke's hands? He wanted his brother back. Though he'd grudgingly take Kakashi at the current moment in time. If only to shut Naruto up.


Kakashi poked at the basket propped up over the plate of food. Did Naruto really think he was that stupid? Or had his traps taken a turn for the worse without him there to keep an eye on him? He tilted his head, walking back to where the rope to spring that trap had been left. Naruto hadn't even bothered to stick around in order to trigger it. Snorting, he pulled at the rope, watching as the basket fell. Such a simple—

Ropes lashed around his body, yanking him up into the air with a grunt of appreciation – he did not yelp in surprise – and Kakashi silently cursed his adorable little minions. Naruto had only grown better at laying sneaky traps. Though Kakashi was fairly sure Sasuke, and possible Sakura if she had spoken, had a hand in this.

Truly he had failed to look underneath the underneath. Now he was paying the consequences for it – because he didn't have a kunai with which to cut himself loose, nor could he use chakra to escape, given how it had been glaringly absent since their arrival to those strange lands. He was worming his way out slowly though.

So very painfully slowly.


Naruto stared at Kakashi, a big grin on his face before he turned to Sasuke. "Ha," he said, gleeful and gloating. "Told you it would work."

"Hn," Sasuke grunted. "Clearly."

"Naruto, would you—"

Blonde hair swished as Naruto turned his head away with a huff. "Nu uh, Kakashi," he said, not loosening the knot even as he cut down. "You pulled a Sasuke on us, and your name isn't even Sasuke."

Sasuke folded his arms. "We're handing you over to the elves," he informed him tartly. "Because you clearly can't be trusted to look after yourself," he said, sniffing distastefully as he took in the dirty clothes Kakashi wore.

Kakashi hissed at him, baring his teeth.

"You do realise you're just emphasising my point," Sasuke grumbled, rolling his eyes as they grabbed their ex-sensei under the armpits and made their way back to their new home. Naruto highly doubted the elves would let them run around on their own, what with their apparent ages there. But maybe in a good few years...?

"This is our clan now, Kakashi!" Naruto declared. "'Coz I don't think we're going back."

"Might as well get used to calling this home," Sasuke remarked. "Gods know Sakura has already settled in well enough... well, aside from the whole not-speaking issue she's got going on."

Naruto perked up, even as they dragged their unwilling captive back. "Where even is she, anyway?" he asked, peering about as though he'd be able to see her somewhere there.

"Just find your least favourite elf," Sasuke said dryly.

Naruto scowled. "Uh."



This was mainly just crack. I have intentions to write another more serious elfling team seven story, but whether I'll cross post it here...

Things begin on my archive account, if you haven't found me there.

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