Chapter 8: Darkness

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Continuation of Readers Pov. 

You awoke groggily, looking around the- you realized you were in complete darkness. A frown found it's way onto your face. Where are you? You couldn't see anything. You tried to recall what happened before this but, the only thing that came to mind was you passing out after seeing-

What did you see? Your memory went foggy. What did you see before you fainted?

You tried to see the room around you.

Shadows watched you.

You didn't like this.

Why was it so dark?

What was with this darkness? 

Your fingers tugged at the blanket and pulled it over your neck. You didn't like the darkness, you didn't know why but, you didn't like it at all.

It gave you a bad feeling.

Your lower lip began to tremble.

You pulled the blanket over your face and tightly held onto the edges.

Where was the Host? Tears began to fill your e/c eyes, you wanted the Host with you. He would protect you, even if you knew the man for two days, you knew he would!

You hope he would. He was fighting with that dark-haired man to what you assumed was about you.

A tear slipped down your cheek. Maybe you were being too emotional over a dark room, It- it just bothered you! 

It felt as if you were in the darkness for hours until you heard the door creak open.

"Y/n? The Host called out with a soft voice, careful not to disturb the young child."

Your hands pulled down the blanket quickly, thankful to see the Host. He had bandages wrapped around his head and eyes, he looked to be frowning.

"The Host continued. 'Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He made his way to your bedside.

"I'm sorry, I just don't like the dark." You shakily smiled. Something seemed to click within the Host, he quickly wrapped his arms around you. 

"The Host felt instant regret. 'No- I'm sorry. I forgot what happened to you. I'm sorry." He rubbed your head with his hand. You didn't know what in the world he was talking about but, you hugged back. 



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