Chapter 10: Meeting

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3rd person Pov.

His gazed stayed on the Host until a young man with orange-tinted sunglasses interrupted him.

"Google! My dude, how's life treatin' ya!?" He slapped the androids back with his skateboard. Google's face snapped into an annoyed frown.

"Bing, w-we were just in the s-same room an m-minute ago," Google grunted.

Bing's mouth formed a thin line, he paused, thinking about it before grinning and slapping the robots back again with his skateboard. "Nope! I don't remember doing that!"

Google stiffened and pinched his nose, frustrated. "Y-your p-programming w-was a mistake."

Bing laughed obnoxiously. "Whatever you say, boomer!"

"Did you j-just call me a b-boomer? I'm only a few y-years o-older than you-"

"Yet you act like an old fart-"

"I act n-nothing like a fart. Farts are to e-expel intestinal g-gas from the a-anus, to which I'm not." Google pushed up his glasses while Bing pouted.

"You don't need to bring in your science woozy shi- UM!" Bing sucked in a breathe. "-Jazz-" He wiped the sweat off his forehead. "In my space!"

"Yet y-you bring your s-stupidity in mine," Google grumbled, crossing his arms, his eyes glowing a very intense shade of blue. Bing shrugged, throwing his hands up in the air.

He dropped his skateboard in the process, causing a loud bang to echo down the hall and into the room they were standing by. A squeaky yelp was heard in the room followed by a thud and high-pitched squeal.

Google and Bing stared down into the darkroom with confusion. Google's eyes narrowed and Bing looked very confused.

"There's something worse than the fact that we heard a child, it's the fact that it's coming from Hosties room." Bing squinted and pointed at the door, his face shifted into slight fear.

"Or it's the f-fact that D-Dark allowed the child to be in the H-Host's room-"

"-Or! It's a demon pretending to be a child to lure us inside so they can take our robot bodies for use!" He screamed, his glasses falling down his nose to reveal wide orange glowing eyes. 

"Or it's an actual human child-" Google's lip curled in disgust, his eye color changing into a mixture of red and green. "-who just fell out the bed after you dropped your skateboard, out of fear and pure shock, or should I explain this more for you to understand?"

Bing sagged in defeat. "You got me this time but, I swear to you by the dankness of my heart I will get you back for this!"

Google rolled his eyes, pure frustration, annoyance, and disgust radiating off of him. "What are you waiting for? The human," He spat the name out like it was a bad taste in his mouth. "-is waiting for you."

Bing shakily nodded, still terrified that there could be a demon in there. "Heeellloo? Any small demons in there pretending to be a child and trying to take my precious bod for themselves?"


The Reader's Pov.

You laid there on the ground, your lower body intangled with the blanket. You were watching this man with an intensely questioning gaze. He cowered in fear as he slowly made his way unknowingly towards your body.

His foot nudged you for a second before a scream escaped his lips, he tumbled back words and fell onto his butt. He was screaming, his glasses crookedly hanging off his face as he pointed at your slumped body.

"THE DEMON! THEY TOUCHED ME!" He shouted. Google stood in the doorway, watching with even more annoyance than before.

You were starting to feel bad for the Google robot.

"You're s-starting to s-sound like t-the Jims, just get the c-child so, we can b-bring them to D-Dark." He hissed. "D-Dark doesn't w-want me near h-humans because of my second o-objective to destroy mankind."


Google smiled sinisterly for a second before it changed to a scowl. "H-Hurry up."

Bing scrambled up and shakily nudged you, again, with his foot. Google rolled his eyes and flicked on the room's light. Bing paused and stared down at you with a blank face.

You stared back with an equally blank face.

"You saw nothing," Bing said, fixing his glasses and wiping off his shirt.

You nodded and wiggled out the blanket. Google scoffed, catching Bing's attention.

"GOD, give me a second, you aren't my mom!" Bing groaned and scooped up with his right arm, not bothering to carry you normally.

You looked as if he was holding his skateboard and not a human being! You didn't mind this, it was very nice.

He turned to Google and made his way next to him, Google looked like he was restraining himself, his eyes glowed red, and his hands were itching out for you. Bing didn't notice, which troubled you but, he went pass Google and made his way into the hallway.

He kept walking until he stopped in front of a wooden door, the walls surrounding it was glass. showing the multiple people inside, having what you assume, a meeting.

He slapped open the door and grinned. "What's up, dudes! So, we found this human child in Hostie's room. And we kind of scared them-"

You scared him but, whatever.

"-and we were wondering why this child has stayed so long, considering-" Bing pointed directly into Google's face. "-this dudes problem."

I've only been here for a day! Well, I think I've been here for a day.

You were snapped out of your trance to notice the entire room staring at you. Your face heated up, and embarrassing sweat washed over you.

You didn't like all these eyes over you! And most of them have the same blurry face! Different heights and all but, why? Were they all half and half brothers?

That doesn't make much sense, who was the mother and why, would you do this to yourself?

Bing moved you from his side to his front, his hands underneath your armpits, he took too extra large steps forward and placed you on the meeting room table. You were right beside a cat mask-wearing man and a man with sleeked back hair and a white shirt.

How weird? 



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