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I got signed under SM Entertainment at the beginning of what was going to be me and Johnny’s first year of college. Because of my manager sending me to America for four years, I completely left Johnny alone for his entire college experience. It was honestly a little upsetting to say the least.

I woke up a little sore from my sleeping position and still a little let down that I left Johnny, but other than that I was pretty happy. Today I had my first day of vocal training.

I got up and went to my closet that was filled with only a few things that I packed and I got dressed. I decided on a black shirt, jeans, and a red plaid button up.

I grabbed my phone and keys and left the apartment, trying to remember what David told me yesterday.

After a while of wandering around I finally found the building and walked in. The receptionist looked up from typing on her computer and smiled at me. 

“Hello sir, what can I help you with today?”

She was speaking in English, so I ran a hand through my hair and tried to the best of my ability to tell her what I was here for.

“I’m Jung Jaehyun. Uhh…. Vocal… Class…?”

She made an understanding face and nodded her head and started typing on her computer again. She finally turned and looked at me again and handed me a piece of paper.

“Your teacher is waiting for you Mr. Jung.” 

I looked at the paper and it was instructions on how to get to my training room. I followed the instructions that were written in English to the best of my ability, but I couldn’t understand and was scared I was gonna get lost, so I tried to do something.

I texted Johnny, knowing it was late in Korea, but it was my only shot.

“You up?”

“Yeah, unfortunately. What do you need Jae?”

I sent him a picture of the instructions.

“Can you translate this for me please?”

“You’re gonna need to take an English class here soon man, I’m telling you. It says take the elevator up to floor 5 and walk down the hallway until you see room 205 on the right side of the hall. What’s this for anyway?”

“You’re a lifesaver dude! And I can’t tell you what it’s for, sorry. Try to get some sleep I’ll call you when you wake up for college. Try to make some friends while I’m gone please, I don’t want to worry about you.”

“Alright I’ll try to sleep. And you don’t need to worry about me, I can wait for you to get back. You’re my best friend, best friends wait on each other. Goodnight Jae ♡.”

I smiled at Johnny’s message, “Sleep tight Johnny ♡.”

I closed out my messaging app and put my phone in my pocket. Okay, elevator up to floor five then room 205 on the right side. Got it.

I finally got to my training room and was pleasantly surprised to see that my instructor was Korean.

“Welcome to your first class Mr. Jung! So pleasant to finally meet you. I’m Mr. Shim Minwoo, I’ll be helping you train your vocals throughout the time you’re here.”

I smiled and bowed, “Ah, nice to meet you Mr. Shim!”

He gave me a little walkthrough of what we’d be doing and then we sat down and got started.

After I was finally released my throat was extremely sore and I was tired and hungry, so I went back to my apartment and made a bowl of noodles with eggs around it.

It wasn’t as good as the stuff back home, I think they used different noodles, but It was still something satisfying to eat. I checked my phone's calendar to see what else I had to do today, since It was now programmed to show anything my manager put onto my schedule.

It said I had an English class to take, which means I guess Johnny predicted the future. I sighed with a smile on my face as I put my dirty bowl in the sink. English class…

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