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Eunbean; I spy with my big brown eyes… Three adorable boys that I love more than the world.

But I’m sad cause my fourth adorable boy isn’t in the picture :( I wanted a picture with you with them Johnny, it was gonna get framed and be my pretty little Christmas picture

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But I’m sad cause my fourth adorable boy isn’t in the picture :( I wanted a picture with you with them Johnny, it was gonna get framed and be my pretty little Christmas picture

John’s Banana; Sorry there was a snack table… I’m surprised the staff even bothered to try this hard on this Christmas party.

Eunbean; You guys are too cute… My heart hurts!

I looked up from my phone after reading the messages and saw Eunbi staring at the photo with the biggest smile on her face. 

I nudged her with my elbow, “We are that cute huh?”

She looked up with the same big smile, “Yes!” 

She jumped into my chest and gave me a bear hug, “The most handsomest boys in the whole wide world.”

My heart skipped a beat with her compliment as a smile I couldn’t stop formed on my face. I hugged her back and closed my eyes to enjoy the moment. 

She really does admire us I guess… And her constant compliments make me feel nice, like I really am as handsome as she says. People need to get themselves a Na Eunbi, this little girl is such a confidence booster. They can’t have this Eunbi though, she is ours. 

I hugged her a bit closer and squeezed my eyes a bit tighter as my smile grew a tad bigger, and then I let pulled away and looked at her in the eyes.

“Thank you, that means a lot. I’m sure all of us feel so much more confident because of you.”

Eunbi gave me a big toothy smile and she giggled. She was too cute for the world to handle.

Eunbi pulled out and texted the group and told them all to come to us, since she was ready to give out the gifts. Soon the other three came shuffling over, Johnny with a handful of cheese and other snacks and Ten with Mark both holding their presents they had for us in their hands with big smiles plastered on their faces.

“Alright who wants to give out first?” Eunbi asked

“I will.” Johnny said as he stuffed all his snacks into his mouth at once and walked over to a table that was near us and grabbed some gifts and handed them out.

We all happily made a mess and unwrapped them excitedly, ready to see what we got.

I got a few different track suits for when I’m dancing or just want to wear some comfortable clothes along with a framed group picture with all of us with a note in the back that said ‘I love you Jae, and these kids here love you just as much. Merry Christmas.’. Eunbi got a few pieces of expensive looking jewelry that she was just ecstatic about, Mark got a few new board games since he is the one who has all the board games because he likes them the most, and Ten got a kickass leather jacket and a few other small things. We all said thanks to Johnny and gave him big hugs and moved onto the others. 

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