~ The first fanfictoion - Uniques ~

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Back in 2018 I remembered a tv show that I had avoided on MTV, for no reason, since it came out. This was Teen Wolf. I then knew who Dylan O'Brien was, from movies he had been in, and was like, why not. And boy did I fall in love. With both the tv show and Dylan/Stiles. Strangely in season 3, I had thought up a character to go along with the series and thus the book and series (that is obviously not complete but is planned out) was made!

Spoilers for teen wolf ahead, I don't know whether I need to warn anyone but just in case, SPOILERS!!

Let's start off with Rose, the only one to have their name stay as it is. In the episode where Scott and Lydia had gone into Stiles' mind and all that in season 3, I had the whole scene of her going off to the upstairs bathroom and do a spell (with Deaton knowing and giving her a look of go do that) and boom, this was what got this story started.

If you've read the first chapter that's up, you may notice that she isn't a witch, that's because I had read a fanfic with the OC being a witch and I just wanted to be a little bit different. Though I will tell you that what Rose is, is something that I have created, I did so much research on finding the right creature/species she is and there is gonna be a (1) nod to one option that I was so close to choosing. But you'll have to wait to find out (sorry it's gonna take a long time).

I went back to my notes and found out that there aren't any thrown away scenes that I had written out which disappoints me to the core, so let's hope I can remember the things that I had wanted to included to the books.

After watching all of the seasons and vaguely planned on what was going to happen with Rose, I had thought about having 2 spin-offs. One for Rose's brother, Joe, and another for some future characters that won't be introduced until season 6. If I do end up finishing the series (and it's unlikely that I will) Joe's story will be written, which will be just about his teenage life with his best friend, Derek 😂😂. That was kind of a spoiler for my book, but I hope to have the second chapter up by the time this gets up.

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