~ The second fanfiction - Psycho ~

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I have always been a marvel fan, from day one. But I've never become so obsessed with the MCU until Infinity War. And Peter Parker was REALLY introduced to me, and by that I mean, TOM HOLLAND! I swear, I had watched Spider-Man and remember going crazy when he was introduced into the MCU in civil war. I EVEN HAD WATCHED FILMS THAT TOM HAD BEEN IN BEFORE, yet I never fully acknowledge Peter Parker in these movies until he died right in front of me. And I had randomly read a bit of someone's book on here and was inspired to write another fan fiction.

So unlike Uniques, I have a lot of scenes and quotes that have been discarded. But kept for me to read and now for this. So let's get started:

"Why did you just kiss me?"
"Well, holding your breath stops panic attacks a-and, uh I hoped that by k-kissing you, you'd do that,"
"I had it handled," *Spiderman tilts his head and squints his eyes in disbelief* "If you had given me a few minutes, I would've been fine,"
Ok, for this scene, without spoilers, I wanted Holly and Peter to have their first kiss in a different scenario than Peter and Liz's in the film and thought it'd be nice to somewhat reference teen wolf seeing as I was also writing Uniques at the same time. I obviously cut this out as it didn't feel right for the two and of course because it was inspired by teen wolf.

"I-it's been you this whole time,"
"Yeah. I'm sorry-"
"How could you-why would you do this?"
"You feel that? That feeling that has you frozen in fear and sadness. That's what the 10-year-old me felt after coming home from camp to find out that my parents had died in the hands of the Avengers! Mr. Toomes had seen the anger in me when I was 13, and seeing as he had been doing this for three years already, he saw the potential in me and what I could become. So he took me to some science facility and they experimented on me. And here I am, facing against my friend," *Split up with actions*
I wanted to have this scene to further explain why Holly became a criminal and worked for Toomes. Some of these details have been changed so that's why I'm showing this. I kinda wanted Holly to have a whole villain speech, but changed my mind as the scenario they were in when Peter finds out who she is had changed.

*Building shudders and starts to collapse*
"What's happening?"
"How should I know?" *Peter looks at Holly, raising an eyebrow*
"Hey, I have no idea. You basically saw Vulture knock me out, which is a dead giveaway that I'm out of the loop!"
I think I got this scene incorrect so that's why it's in here

"We're the same, Peter. We were both given abilities at a young age and both put into sticky situations. The only difference between us is that you use your powers for good and I didn't. And that's why you're a great hero,"
Thought this was a great quote at the time, but it doesn't suit Holly.

"What are you kids doing here at this time of the morning"
"Just fighting bad guys" at the same time "we had a movie date" they both turn to look at each other in confusion as to what the other said.
I really wanted to keep this in but that would mean Peter would've been at Holly's place after the big fight.

"Tony Stark, it's a pleasure to meet you. My friend Peter Parker has an internship at your industry,"
"Kid, I know who you are,"
"I have no idea what you're talking about,"
"I know you're Psycho,"
"I'm pretty sure you're not a doctor and you shouldn't be diagnosing people like that,"
*Stark gives Holly a stern look*
"Look I'm very ill right now and I don't think you'd want to catch-"
*Mr. Stark pulls covers off her bed and exposes Holly in costume and bruised*
"Ok, I guess the cats out of the bag. I am Psycho. Well, was. You can call me Holly, Holly Morgan,"
I also loved this scene but changed it because I can't decide anything.

"Stop, Peter! Just stop,"
"Mr. Stark can't do this,"
"I've hurt a lot of people. I've committed crimes. I'm the bad guy, here, and this is what I deserve,"
"But what about having a second chance? How everyone deserves it?"
"I meant you, not me,"*Peter leans in to kiss Holly, but she lightly pushes him away*"W-what are you doing?"
"It's a thing called kissing. People who like each other-"
"You're an idiot,"
"And you're stubborn," *pause* "but that doesn't mean I want you out of my life,"
*Holly looks shocked, motions her head from Peter to Stark and then to her hand as Peter reaches out to hold*
"This can't happen,"
"I know, but you deserve better, Peter,"
"I don't want better, I just want you,"
"W-what are you doing?"
"Taking away your feelings towards me," *
"Woah - Woah, Holly. You don't want to do that,"
"I have to. I can't have anyone else be hurt because of me,"
"Is this how you want to leave things off with him? Is this how you want him to remember you?"
"Ok, now let's hurry this up. I've got meetings to attend, so chop-chop!"
"I'm sorry,"
"I hate saying goodbye," *Peter hugs Holly surprising her, but she quickly becomes relaxed in his arms as she hugs him back*
"I had fun spending time with you. Not you as Spider-Man, but as Peter Parker,"
So this scene here is completely new and needs some explaining. So basically I had this idea that Peter would drop Holly off in her room (via window, obvs) and she just invites him to just sleep there, just cuz she didn't want him to go home looking like shit and he was tired as hell. Somehow, Tony shows up and it's hinted that Holly's gonna be taken in by the government, or just be kinda arrested, and then Peter was just like no and the scene carries on from the text above. I think I cut this out because it was just too weird of a scene, idk. It didn't feel right, maybe too much was going on and I did not do well at portraying Tony here.

"So I'm going to c-completely forget you?"
"N-no no. I don't want to do that, and I'm not going to. It's just, you won't think about me a lot anymore. And if you do. You won't feel sad, o-or have any butterflies in your stomach or the whatever the masculine equivalent of that is. You'll only think of me as a friend who did terrible things,"
"W-why can't I move?"
"I also did that so you won't go after me. Don't visit me, Peter,"
This is kind of a alternative to the scene above where instead of that, when Peter gets a text from Happy to go to see Tony, Holly was invited. The whole ride there she knew that something bad was going to happen to her and thus actually making him forget about her.

"Hey, Peter. Today is your 17th birthday, happy birthday. I love you and I miss you so - so much. I wish you were here, with all of us. It's not the same without you. Ned, MJ huh - even Flash misses you." *Pause* "Mac, why am I doing this?"
"This will help you feel better,"
"Well, I don't. I feel terrible, I can't do this-" *Shuts off camera*
After infinity war, I had found out that Peter's birthday wasn't far from then and wanted to include something like this in there but everyone listed above had been dusted and it kinda reminded me of Tony's message at the start of Endgame.

"You wanna time travel? Do you want to mess everything up?"
"Without the proper planning and thought. Someone would accidentally change the timeline and erase someone out of existence, Marty McFly style,"
"C' mon! You're as old as the movie, Stark, Back to the future?"
I had written this before Endgame had came out and needed a back to the future reference, but it was already done in the movie so ☹️

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