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She perks her head up and smiles at the nurse calling her name. She follows the nurse into a room.

"The doctor will be right with you."

"Thank you," she smiles then takes a seat on the medical bed. Her nerves getting the best of her as she fidgets with her hands and bites her lip. She leans her head back and lets out a deep sigh to calm herself. The peace is gone when the door flys open - revealing an older woman, with short, white hair, and sophisticate looking glasses on the bridge of her nose. "Hi, Dr. Thawne."

The lady smiles, "It's so nice to see you again, Caitlin. How have you been?"

"Good but, right now, I'm really nervous."

Dr. Thawne chuckles, "I bet. This could be life-changing news."

"I know," Caitlin breathes.

"So what made you decide to come and get tested here, instead of using one from the drugstore?" The doctor asks with an arched brow.

"You know me, I need the absolute truth. Plus, being our family doctor for years helps make the results feel more..." she bites her lip thinking of the word.

"True?" The doctor laughs.

Caitlin shakes her head, laughing along. "I know its silly but, I trust you."

Dr. Thawne smiles at the young woman and places her hand on top of Caitlin's. "You ready?"

Caitlin shakes her head and follows the doctor to the bathroom. She soon found herself back on the medical bed, waiting anxiously for the results to come back. She needs to get her mind off the subject to give her some peace of mind. Caitlin grabs her phone out of her purse and dials a familiar number. With each ring, she bites harder on her lip; when it seems hopeless the person answers the phone.

"Oliver Queen."

"Why so formal big brother?" she lightly giggles.

He is taken back by the voice, "Caity? I was not expecting you to call me." 

"I can tell, how are you?"

"Busy," he heavily breathes, "Did you need something? I can't really talk too long, you know?"

Caitlin nods her head with a frown, "Yeah I know... I was just wondering if you have time to maybe grab lunch. Like in an hour?"

"What are you doing in town?" Concern Oliver taking over his demeanor.

She rolls her eyes, "Calm down dad. I had an appointment with Dr. Thawne."

"Why? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

"Ollie! I'm fine. Can you grab lunch or not?" she asks him with annoyance.

She hears shuffling with some mumbling before her brother's voice comes back on the phone, "Ye- yes, I can meet with you. Same place as usual?"

Caitlin smiles, "Of course!"

"Great, I'll see you in an hour," he responds before hanging up the phone.

As if on cue, Dr. Thawne comes into the room with a clipboard in hand. She raises her eyebrows, "How's that brother of yours?"

"Same as always," she half-smiles, "he overwhelms himself with work and when I call he goes, full over protective dad-mode on me."

"Queen men seem to all act like that," she chuckles, "Your dad used to be like that with your mom. You should have seen him when your mom was in your position. That man was all sorts of overwhelming."

Caitlin lets out a small laugh, thinking of her departed father. "I bet..." she shakes away the thoughts now concern with the results the doctor was holding in her hand, "did- um did you get the results."

The doctor nods her head, "Congratulations Caitlin, you're pregnant!"

She felt every emotion go through her at the same time - surprise, excitement, joy, worry, concern, and love. Her brain still processing the news controls the words escaping her mouth, "How... how long- I mean how far along am I?"

The doctor looks at the chart, "You are about 6-7 weeks. That's about two months along."

Caitlin runs her hand through her hair as the shock washes away, "I'm pregnant! Oh my gosh!" She covers her mouth as a squeal of joy escapes her lips. She jumps off the bed and hugs the doctor. "Thank you so much!"

Dr. Thawne giggles, "I didn't do much, just took the test. The real person you gotta thank is that little one's daddy," she winks.

The mini baby celebration ends with a knock on the door before a young man walks in. "Knock, knock. Did someone order room service?"

The doctor smiles at him, "Eddie, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I would surprise you with lunch, on me" he smiles.

"You are so sweet but rude for interrupting me with a patient," she scowls her son.

"I'm hardly a patient, we are practically family, Dr. Thawne" Caitlin smiles, "It's nice to see you again Eddie."

"Long time since those little league days, huh?"

Caitlin laughs, "Oh yes, I was taller than you then."

"Don't miss that!" Eddie laughs. "Congratulations, by the way. I bet you will make an amazing mom."

Caitlin blushes, "Thank you, just don't tell my husband you found out before him," she giggles.

"You're secret is safe with me," Eddie smiles back. "Now if you will excuse us, I got to take my mom on a well deserve, mother and son date." He extends his elbow for his mom to take, which she gladly does.

Caitlin giggles and starts collecting her belongings. Dr. Thawne reappears, "I almost forgot, I scheduled you for an appointment a week from today so we can hear that little heartbeat," she winks and hands her an envelope.

Her heart leaps in her chest, imagining seeing her growing one and hearing that sweet sound, "Sounds perfect. See you in a week."


Sorry for such a short chapter, but I wanted to post something as a thank you for over 500+ reads! You guys are amazing!!

FYI: I was picturing Jamie Lee Curtis as Dr. Thawne  (:


1.) What do think about Eddie's connection to Caitlin?

2.) Who do you like more, protective big brother Oliver or dad-mode Oliver?

3.) What do you think about a Snowbarry baby?

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