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She stares back at him, blinking to make sure her eyes are not deceiving her. She straights her back and grabs a hold of the blanket, tangling it in her fingers, as she hides her stomach. "What- why are you here?"

Barry rubs his hands together, thinking of what to say; he can't mess this up. This was his chance to fix things and start over. "I uh... I wanted to talk to you."

She shakes her head with fearful eyes, "You need to leave-"

"Please Cait!" He steps forward, panic in his voice.

"Don't call me that!" she snaps to halt him. "You don't deserve to call me that, ever again. Now, please," she begs, her voice cracks with each word, "please leave me alone."

Barry gives a short sigh and shakes his head, "I can't do that." He dares steps closer and his heart breaks as he notices her scoot away. "Please, just listen to me."

"Why?" she shrugs her shoulders, "Why should I give you any time of day?"

He stands as close as he can with the bed being his only obstacle to get to her. "Because Caitlin Queen-Allen, I love you and I know you still love me." He takes a deep breath, waiting for a reply.

She sits still with her mouth slightly open, wanting to object, but deep down she knows she can't. Her thoughts are interrupted by the front door opening and closing.

"Yo, Caitlin! You done? I have food!"

Barry faces Caitlin, as anger shows up in his eyes, hearing a male voice inside their home. "What the hell Caitlin?!?"

She is quick to snap back, "It's Cisco, you ass!" She removes the blanket and brushes pass him into the hallway. Cisco greets her with a smile and lifts the greasy bag of Big Belly Burger. His smile fades as he notices Barry walking behind her. "Thank you Cisco."

His eyes shifts between Caitlin and Barry before focusing on Caitlin. "Of' course. Are you guys okay?"

Her eyes roll as she shifts her hair, "Ignore him, he was just leaving."

"Like hell I am," he snaps at her as he roughly grabs her arm. She jerks her arm back as Cisco steps to intervene. "If anyone is leaving it's him."

Cisco was about to speak but Caitlin steps in, "He is MY friend and he is staying." She looks over her shoulder to give him a soft smile before turning back to face Barry. "Whatever you are thinking, stop, now. I would never cheat on someone I loved." She crosses her arms and points her head to the door, "Now get out."

Barry's features soften as he realizes he let his jealously get the better of his judgement. "I'm sorry Caitlin, I shouldn't have of thought the worse-"

"No, you shouldn't. Now leave."

Before he could reply, Cisco grabs her attention. "Caitlin, you should listen to him," he raises his eyebrows and glaces at her stomach then back at her eyes, "You guys need to talk."

"But Cisco-"

"Hey, I'm a phone call away. Besides I need to get to work and cover for you again." He gives her a tight hug as Barry watches with a small frown. "Listen to him Caitlin, for your family's sake," he whispers the last part in her ear and heads out.

As the door shuts, Caitlin glaces at her husband then walks over to the food. She hears Barry following her but keeps some distance. She lets the only sound between them be the food wrappers as sets the food in front of her on the island. She looks at him and signals for him to talk, "Well?"

"Give me five minutes," he holds his hand up as he breathes out, "Five minutes and if you are not satisfied then I will leave you alone." She nods her head, giving him the okay to continue. He gives her a slight smile, "Thank you." He claps his hands together and leans forward, "I know what I did is unforgivable. I broke not only your trust but, your heart." He closes his eyes for a second to control his emotions, "I... I never meant to hurt you Cait."

She glares at him for using the nickname only he ever uses. "What did I say."

He gives a short breath in annoyance. "Really?" She arches her eyebrow and he rolls his eyes in correspondence. "Fine, I'm sorry." He shakes his head and continues, "Caitlin, we've... we've been through too much together to give up on each other now." She glares at him as she finishes up her meal with no reply. "Please, we can work this out; I know we can. Our love, it's a special kind of love. One of it's kind, remember? Please, let's work this out." He takes a step towards her, but she retreats to the living room. He leans his head back and wipes his eyes as a few tears fall.

She grips the back of the couch to hold her up as she levels her breathing. She wants to be angry. She wants to hate him. However, her heart tears at the idea as if telling her to forgive and forget. She covers her mouth as her hormones start to get the best of her. She feels cold and alone. At that moment, a feeling of warmth wraps her up. She knows that feeling anywhere - Barry. Tears of frustration fall on her cheeks, "No! No! You can't do that!" she cries as she rips away from his embrace.

"'Caitlin..." His arm hanging in the air asking for her to return to him, but she stands on the opposite side of the couch for protection.

"You can't just say what you think I want to hear to make it all better! You can't Barry!" She wraps her arms around her stomach. "You can't expect me to just forgive and forget the damage you have done to me. You made me a fool! I thought you loved me!"

"I do!I do love YOU!" Barry shouts as he grabs the edge of the couch, wanting to be as close to her as he can.

"No, no you don't," she shakes her head as the tears fall, "because if you did, you wouldn't have strayed," she says with a tight lip.

His breath stocks, "It was a mistake!"

"Yeah," she nods her head, "a mistake that cost us our marriage." She pinches the bridge of her nose to ease the stress, "I... I need you to leave Barry, please."

His throat drys up as his tears build up in his eyes, "Caitlin please,"

"Go, please" she begs, as she finally looks him in the eyes.

"I need you to know that it meant nothing to me. She means nothing to me; You mean everything to me!" he shouts trying to get her to understand but she turns away from his words. "I can't lose you Cait..." he breathes out.

With her back to Barry, she rubs her forehead to ease some stress; while her brain and her heart fight for her to chose which is right. She starts to become faint and trips over her feet. Barry rushes to her side and collects her in his arms. She grabs a handful of his shirt and finds herself looking into his eyes. 'Thanks' she mouths with a half smile, but slowly pulls away from his grasp. She runs her hand through her head, "I can't... I can't give you answer Barry. At least, not right now. I need some time and space. Can you please, just get out of here."

He nods his head, understanding and wipes his mouth. He looks at her one last time before heading out, "I'm not giving up you - on us. I love you Caitlin." At the moment, what he would give to kiss her forehead and pull her into his arms, but he can't. Without another word he turns on his heels and walks out of her sight.

Caitlin stares at the front door as she rubs her belly, debating with her thoughts. She shuts her eyes and leans her head back finalizing on a thought. She gives the front door one last look then heads to the bedroom to grab her phone. She slides through her list of contacts until she finds the one person she needs to talk to. She stops to rethink, needing to make sure she is doing the right thing. The grip on the device tightens as she selects the contact and waits for an answer. It rings twice before a voice is heard. She give a weak smile before responding,

"Hey, I uh... I need your help."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3 out 3 of the marathon


I honestly enjoy writing this story but, will probably have to go on a week and half to two week hiatus. Work has been insane and I'm working on a few collabs on YouTube that need my attention. I will be back, promise! Thank you for all the love and support!


1. Who do you think Caitlin called?

2. What has been your favorite and least favorite part(s) so far?

3. Would you like another marathon when I come back?

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