Chapter 02

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I wake up the next morning with the boys still sleeping. I slowly get up without waking them up. When I got up I checked my phone to see that Sophia Joeys little sister had texted me. We're really close since Tayler and Joey are. Me and Soph talk a lot and she's really pretty. I replied to her and went to my suit case and grabbed thing I needed to take a shower. I walk in the bathroom closing the door and locking it. As I was brushing my teeth I jammed out to music. After brushing my teeth I undress myself and start the water. Once the water is to the temperature I like.

I step in wetting my long black brown hair first. I then grabbed my shampoo bottle and put the shampoo into my hair closing the bottle afterwards. As I was washing my hair and singing someone knocked on the bathroom door. "Yes," I say getting soap in my mouth. "Are you almost done" says Joey with his raspy morning voice. "Joey I just got in," I said laughing. After I rinse my hair I grab my conditioner and I put some on my hand closing the bottle afterwards.

I put it in my hair evenly and run my fingers through my hair to smooth it out even more. While I let the conditioner sit in my hair for a few minutes I was my body. After washing my body I rinse my hair again, and then my body. Then shutting off the water and opening the curtain. I then grab my hair towel and put that on my head, then grabbing my other towel wrapping it around my body. I step out of the shower heading over to the sink and grabbing my face wash and washing my face. After washing my face I try it and blow dry my. I then do my makeup, hair and I get dressed (at the very top).

I walk out the door into the room, and I still get the creeps. "Why are you so dressed up?" Tayler asked me. "I don't know. I was thinking about asking Sophia to go to the mall today," I say looking at him. "Oh okay," he says looking down at his phone wants again. He's addicted to it. Yeah I get he's still young but he has stuff to do like work, pay bills, and stuff. I just roll my eyes and walk over to my bag and grab my camera and laptop so I can edit my video I did yesterday.

•Few hours passing•

As I have been editing for a few hours I get a text message from Sophia.

As I have been editing for a few hours I get a text message from Sophia

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"Who was that?" Joey asked me with a curious look on his face. "It was Soph," I replied to him still looking at my computer. " Please tell me you guys aren't going shopping," Tayler and Joey say in sync. "Yep," I say look up at both of them "we should also get going cause I need to pick her up." They both look at me rolling their eyes. "You guys need to stop, we're going shopping for vaca and Christmas presents," I say standing up and crossing my arms. They roll their eyes again standing up grabbing their bags. I put my computer in my case and I go over to my suitcase and zip it up. After we walk out the room and walk to the front desk to check out.

On the way home Joey had aux and played all the songs I don't like very much on purpose to make me mad. I brushed it off and scrolled through Instagram. I seen a bunch of edits of me, Sophia, Joey, and Tayler. I smiled to myself watching them. I love all the support they give me. After a few minutes we pulled into my the parking garage and got our suitcases out and went up to the apartment. I went into my room and put my suitcase down and grabbed my car keys, and headed out into the living room.

"You leaving now?" Joey questioned me. "Yes, why?" I replied back to the boy staring at me. "No reason," he said looking away from me. As I was walking towards the door he stopped me which I thought was weird "Don't buy anything to expensive please" he said looking right into my eyes. I look into his green hazely eyes and laugh "Joey I'm not going to and it's my money."  With that he turns around again and I walk out the door. Once I got to the garage I go over to my car and I get in. I start the engine put my seatbelt on and then I start driving to Sophias.

As I pull into the driveway Sophia comes running out the door with her purse and a bag. I thought it was weird she came out with a bag. "What's the bag for Soph," I ask her as shes getting in the car. "Clothes," she says out of breathe. "For who?" I say pulling out of the driveway. "Me and Joey," she says. At this point I'm confused. Why does she need a bag for hers and joeys clothes? Is everything okay at home? "The clothes are so we could crash at your place for a little," she says out of the blue "And everything's okay at home. Mom just wanted us out of the house so she could spend some time with Kash." I look at her and nod my head at her reply.

As we pull into the driveway at the mall she gets very excited. "Ooo I cant wait for vaca," she says with excitement in her voice. "Me too," I laugh. We get out of the car and walk into the mall. When we were walking I spotted the gucci store and I tapped Sophia on the shoulder then looking at the store. She looks at me with wide eyes and says "girl you're crazy! We're not going in there!" I look at her and laugh "But joeys been wanting the new backpack they got." She looks at like I'm crazy "Girl that's gonna be to much money and then you won't have anything left." "Soph we're not poor, but we're not that rich and it's for Christmas anyways." "Fine," she says taking my hand and pulling into the store.
When we were in the store we seen these really cute belts and we looked at each other and went over to them and grabbed them. I had found the joeys been wanting so I grabbed that and after we checked out and surprisingly it wasn't that much. We walk around the mall going into different stores and getting presents. We spent a few more hours at the mall then we went to go get something to eat. After we ate we drove back to my house.

As we were pulling into the parking garage Tayler, Joey, and Skyler were getting out of the car. "You guys were gone for hours," Tayler said. "Sorry were shopping for Christmas and vacation," me and Sophia said. Skyler sat there very awkwardly looking down at the ground. Me and Sophia look at each other knowing something was wrong so we grab her hand and take her up to the apartment.

Once we get in the apartment we went to my room. We close the door when we get in there. "What's wrong sky," I asked knowing she wasn't okay. She sat there silently. "Skyler is everything okay," Soph asked putting her hand on her back. "Me and Luca are fighting," she says very upset. Me and Sophia looked at each other knowing what they were fighting about. "Vacation for Christmas," me and Sophia say in sync. Skyler shakes her head. "Does he know he can come with us?" I ask her. "I tried telling him, but he wouldn't listen to me." She said. I grab her phone and text him telling him he can go with us. They were only a couple years apart and have been dating for quite sometime now so we were used to it. They get along very long except when it comes to leaving the state or country for a period of time. You could say they really love each other's company and they hate being away from each other for a very long time. By now they should be used to it. Skyler does dance composition in many different states, but Luca goes to some of them. Then Luca goes on tour a lot.

After talking it about it for a few minutes we went out into the living room with the guys sitting on the couch. They were playing video games of course so we sat there and watched. Us girls complained that we were hungry hours later. They just told us to go get something to eat and that there was a kitchen over there. Sophia got fed up with them ignoring us and then playing video games so she got up and unplugged the console. "Hey what the hell," Tayler and Joey said yelling. "You've guys have been playing for hours and we're hungry," us girls say. "Like we said there's food in the kitchen," Joey said. "Food in the kitchen my ass," I said slapping the back of his head "The shits for vacation in a week." Joey looked at me and rolled his eyes getting on his phone. "Fine I'm ordering Chick-fil-A for us girls," I say. "I want what I normally get," Joey says. "There's food in the kitchen Joey ," I say mocking him. "Hazel I'm sorry he's acting this way. He's been acting like this for weeks because of some chick," Sophia says. "Oh ummm okay," I say ordering everyone food. I look over at Joey and see him glancing at me, and I just look away. As a hour or so passes our food gets here. Me Soph eat in my room and Tayler and Joey eat in the living room still playing video games. As me and Soph were eating we start planning things we're gonna do on vacation.

Hours later we decided to get ready for bed and lie in bed watching Netflix. We watched many episodes of Orange is the New Black and we even got a couple movies in before we were dead asleep.

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