Chapter 6: Meeting For The Final Time

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Baby stood in front of the door with eyes dark as charcoal. "So, this is what you've been doing. You became one of the world's worst child murderers and still not caught. Then take your anger on me. I wonder why I even married you."

Springtrap started to snicker. "Well, I'm terrific at pretending. Like pretending to care, pretend to have sorrow, pretended to love you." Baby lunged with her face forward. Now, she had the bite force of a fox, she was able to tear Springtrap's arm clean off. He shook off the injury like nothing. "After all these years, my mind kept getting nulled. My arm being ripped off is like tickling me." Springtrap took his right hand and slapped Baby full force. She hit the ground with a thud. Her bottom left faceplate was broken. She touched it gently with a silent growl.

She realized she landed in a pile of scrapped parts. It was filled with kidneys, livers, and sharp, serrated animatronic teeth. She looked down to see a claw for her hand. She started having flashbacks of The fight with Mangle. "No, not again."

Mangle started to talk. "Baby, don't focus on the past. Use the claw. That's how you won." Baby started to tear up as she fell to her knees. Springtrap was dumbfounded. He slowly walked towards her. He slowly stroked her metal hair.

"Oh, I cannot wait till I end you." Baby's eyes flowed green, and her pupils were dilated. She started to cry more. He then stroked her face with a mini knife, making a streak of chipped paint on her cheek, her makeup washed away. Baby started to fill with anger, pain. She began to grab Springtrap by the neck and choke him. She released him after he was nearly unconscious.

"For the kids you murdered." She sliced off his other arm.

"For our kids." She kicked him in his crotch two times.

"For what you did to me and my sanity." She elbowed him in his head.

Ennard jumped behind him and sliced him in his back. "I'm known to be called The Backstabber for a reason." He turned his expression to Baby. She took off her wedding ring and tossed it to the ground. "We need to get out of here." He sliced a gas pipe in the room as they both ran out.

Foxy kept driving up the road. "Hopefully, she's not dead," worried Lolbit.

Ballora was in on herself. Why did I let her go on that date, why did I trust him she thought. Ballora was hiding in her knees. Puppet saw her and put his arm around her.

"It's ok," he said, trying to calm her down, "Baby is strong. I think she will be ok."

Freddy started to eat chicken like never before. Foxy looked in his mirror and saw him. "Uh, Freddy? Can you stop eating so much chicken in my car?"

Freddy faced him with a full mouth. "What? I'm a stress eater?"

"Ok, but if you drop any in my car, you WILL clean it up," Foxy replied with a reluctant sigh.

Freddy then looked down. "Whoops."


"Foxy, can you worry about cleanliness and worry about our friend's life at stake?" Lolbit asked, trying to calm Foxy down. He let out a very annoyed grunt and started the car again.
Hey everyone, FierceLC here! Half way through the book already? It's okay, don't worry. Don't forget to vote for my chapters and leave your opinions in the comments. See ya next week!

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