Chapter 12: Secrets Revealed

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Baby checked her phone and saw it was a text from Freddy. "Hey, I might not be there all the time, but I wanna talk today at the pizzeria. You think you can do that?" Baby thought that maybe he wants to share some more chicken facts or recipes again.

        She put up her phone and went to talk to Foxy. "Hey Foxy, can you drop me off to the pizzeria now?"

        Foxy turned around. "Uh, sure," he started screaming down the hallway, "Red! You're in charge!"

        He got a faint "Ok" after a few seconds. They started walking outside, and Foxy grabbed his keys. He unlocked the door, and they started driving to the pizzeria. Baby regularly checked her phone. Foxy didn't think of it because he sees her do it every day.

        Ennard finally came across a run-down building. Broken windows, creaking door, missing bricks, vines inside and outside. He opened the door to the sound of a large creak and squealing rats running away. He put away his sword and went to a potted plant. "3nn9rd. The plant started to shake. It slowly sunk to the floor, and the wall behind it opened up. It was so unnatural. It looked like a five-star penthouse. 3 stories, golden carpet, red leather sofas, and shiny, red stairs.

        He went to his kitchen and opened up the fridge. Fully stocked. He grabbed a slab of steak and started cooking. He put on an apron and opened his spice cabinet. Oil popped in the pan as he cooked. The smell of sizzling steak filled the air. "A little pepper here and a little salt there and.... there!" A juicy, brown steak waiting to be eaten. Platted and everything. He brought it to his table and grabbed some silverware. He sliced off a piece and looked at it. Perfectly done. He sat there and ate it as he watched some TV.

        Once he was finished, he put the dish in the sink and went to his bedroom, thinking about the girl Springtrap wanted dead. He laid there, thinking about why Springtrap tried to kill her, why Freddy wanted her. Mixed emotions pasted by in his head. He looked to his left and saw the note Freddy left him. He started reading out loud. "'Come to the pizzeria, and I'll give you your money. It's there, and all accounted for. Just come and see for yourself.' Wait, isn't Baby living in that pizzeria. I've heard Springtrap mention something about Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria before." He got up and went out into the old building. Scaffolding fell as the door closed. "This place isn't gonna hold for long. I may need to move all of this." He walked out, carefully closing the door.

        Winter sat on her bed and looked at her phone. She clicked on a contact and looked through the messages they sent one another.

        W: Omg I can't believe you did that! Ur sooo bad

        J: I know, I know. But all's fair in love and football

        W: But u didn't have to break his ankle tho, like geez

        J: Like how you nearly broke my collar bone because I took your makeup brush? 🤭

        W: Omg literally that costed me like $100 😡😡😡

        J: It costed you $2 at Walmart, don't play coy

        W: Whatever, I have to go do something for my brother

        J: Which one? The one with the baby? I can't believe he would do something like that!

        W: Omg stooop, our parents know already and they're cool with it...mostly

        J: Imagine if we had a kid 😳😘😍

        W: Ew, Jacob. We're not even dating!

        J: Winter, we already fight like husband and wife. Plus, our kids would look cuuuute!

        W: Literally our kids would look like a garbage can

        J: Soooo, you without makeup?

        W: You after practice?

        J: You 24/7?

        W: Literally you inside and out

        J: C'mon, I know u luv me, say it 🥺

        W: Fine, luv u Jacob

        J: Aw, luv u Winter

        Winter knew Jacob since 6th grade. He was her first middle school friend who stuck by her side throughout the grade. "I guess I really am that static." Winter started to think. "Come on, I want to date at least 1 person before high school. Like, he IS single, and he is...kinda cute..." Her eyes shot wide open. "Oh my gosh I have a crush on Jacob."

        Lolbit waited at the hospital, watching some cooking shows. Suddenly the doorknob started shaking. It was the nurse. She came in with a mess of papers on her clipboard. "Well, we came to inform you that your child is doing well. We had found out that it was a boy," her voice became quiet, "But from our records, your baby should be dead." Lolbit started to become pale.

        "There was something found on the top of his brain. We see that it may go away or your child know. We still haven't found out the odds of both of them, so we hope you understand." Thoughts ran through her brain. Would she be able to live with that? Coping with that every single day? Telling Foxy? Telling her friends? Her children? Her eyes started going to the back of her head. "Doctor! Call a doctor, quick!"

        Lolbit sat there, in her clear mind. The doctor rushed in and checked her pulse. Fine. Her breathing. Fine. Her brain. For the most, excellent. The doctor tried calling her name. No response. "Do you know her husband's number?" asked the doctor. The nurse flipped through her papers and pointed at a number. She pulled out the phone and starts dialing. Foxy answered the phone.

        "Hello?" The nurse spoke in a worried tone. "Hey, this is Lolbit's nurse. Something just happened."

        Foxy gulped hard. "Wait, what? What happened? Can I talk to her?"

        "Well, here's the thing. I told Lolbit that your baby has a chance of dying, but we don't by how much. When I told her, she must have freaked out and," her voice trailed off, "she fainted, and she might be in a coma." Foxy went quiet. He pulled up to the pizzeria and watched Baby get out.

        He started to speak. "A coma? Do you know for how long?"

        "We don't know that, but we hope that it's just for two or three weeks. For the longest, half a year." Foxy wanted to cry but hid his emotions.

        "Well, ok. Thanks for telling me this. Bye," Foxy hung up and put away his phone. He slowly pulled away and waved to Baby. After she was inside. He slowly started to cry. Pour his heart out. Tears like rivers on his face.

        Baby walked into Freddy's room. He was there, reading a book. She cleared her throat to fill the silence. "So, what kind of facts do you want to tell me? Or do you want to show me your new recipe?"

Freddy closed his book and took a deep breath. "Baby, I have known you for a long time. I know that you and Springtrap had a very toxic relationship. I have never dated anyone that was actually animatronic." He pointed to a price of beef hung on the wall labeled 'wife.' "But I know one thing. You make me feel like the happiest man on earth. So I had a question." He pulled out a bouquet of flowers. "Would you join me and be the happiest woman on earth if you dated me?" Baby started to cry tears of happiness.

She could bearly talk, but she could make out only one word. "Yes!" She flew into his arm and wept on his shoulder. They looked face to face, and they slowly closed their eyes. As they moved toward each other's faces, the door slowly creaked open.
Hello everyone! I'm sorry to say this, but this is the end of Book 3. Don't be sad, I never said the series was gonna end. I mean, you would be pretty mad if I ended it here, right? I should probably get started, huh? Well I guess I'll see you next time!

carroT, hamburgeR, applE, pineapplE, teA, entropY, rabbiT, terriblE, happY, inspireD, reaP, timE, everyonE, everythinG, nothingG. suN, opeN, onioN, neverthelesS.

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