Chapter 10: Operation Find Out What Red & Winter Are Hiding

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Baby looked at the paper carefully. "What's in it for me?" Slick walked up beside Sly.

"Well one: we find out two secrets and two: leftover cake pops," Sly said, waving cake pops around.

Baby shooked her head in agreement. "Hey, Foxy, is it ok if I stay the night?"

Foxy turned around. "Uh, sure. Anything for a friend." Slick, Sly, and Baby silently cheered.

        They walked into their bedroom. Slick and Sky jumped onto their beds with paper and pencils. Sly started to draw. "Ok. So here's the plan." They looked to see a blank sheet of paper.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Baby.

"The plan is I don't have a plan." Slick started thinking. "What if someone else knew?" Slick and Sly began to get happy.

"Ashelly!" They ran out their room like mini-tornadoes into Ashelly's room. Baby casually walked there to see papers everywhere on the floor.

Ashelly was on her bed watching videos on her phone. "Hey, you two, what's up?"

Baby leaned on the door frame. "Can we ask you a couple of questions?" She walked inside as Winter and Red saw the door slowly close.

Winter and Red looked at each other with worried faces. "What are we going to do?" asked Winter.

"I don't know. I just hope that they won't find out," answered Red. Winter about to run into the room when Red stopped her. "We can't let them know we saw them." Winter tried to make Red let go of her arm.

"Ugh. Fine." She went into her room and tried to listen through the walls. Red just sighed and went back to reading a book in his room.

Slick rapidly tapped her pencil against the paper. "I don't get it? How you just not know? You know Winter's secret, and you won't even tell us for a candy bar?"

Ashelly rolled her eyes. "Because unlike you, I won't do anything for candy."

Sly looked suspicious. "Oh, really?"

Ashelly reaches into her pocket. "I'll give you two chocolate bars if you leave me alone."

"Deal." They grabbed the chocolate bars and ran out of her room.

Baby looked at Ashelly. "Do you always keep two bars of chocolate on you?"

"Word of the wise, always keep candy on you in this house." Baby left the room to see the twins eating the last piece of the chocolate.

Baby thought to herself. If you want something done, do it yourself. She grabbed the paper and ushered the two to get up.

As Baby and the twins went into Winter's room, Red snuck into the kitchen to try again. Winter was on her bed, texting her friends. "Ok, spill. What's going on?" demanded Sly.

"What's going on is that you guys are trying to be annoying and doing it greatly."

              Slick nodded at Sly. "Capture."

Sly grabbed one of Winter's favorite nail polishes. She looked up when she heard Sly grab for it.

She dropped her phone. "Break that, and you're going to owe $900."

Sly tossed it to Slick. "Whoops." Slick narrowly catches it.

Winter's heart sunk. "Fine, I'll tell you." They all began huddling around her. Winter then remembered something and started smiling. "The truth is that...."

Red checked the oven and pulled the cake out. He flipped it over and heard Slick and Sly yell, "WHAT!" Red stopped and ran into Winter's room. He saw their distraught faces and Winter winking at him.
Hey everyone! I hope you like the chapter, school restarted so I've been pretty busy lately. Don't worry, I don't plan to leave ya hanging...for too long. Still weekly updates will happen. With that said, see ya next chapter!

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