chapter 30

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Shivaay's point of view
I asked the driver to drive fast to home and he did his best , I ran into the house.

"Annika"I screamed out to her
"Annika"I screamed and I heard no response

I then started to walk to different rooms looking for her. I checked the whole house and I couldn't find her.
I rang her phone and it was ringing in the living room.

I went there and saw it ringing at the table over some papers , I walk towards the table.

The papers got me dumbstruck , it had the word divorce  written in it in bold and big letters .

I took the papers and it had me in tears . A small paper fell out when I took the papers . I went and took the small paper.

Dear Shivaay ,
If you are reading this most probably I would have left the place . Shivaay I have left you a gift , I wish you loved it . Who am I kidding , you love it .
I wish you and Tia have a beautiful life, a happy ever after without the obstacle annika.
Don't even bother to look after me in pity that you made me leave, you didn't it's me . You won't find me any way I had explained the rest in the voice notes in my phone.

I was tearing up slowly , I can't handle this much in a day . I took a seat in the floor and rested my back against the table where she kept the phone.

I took the phone , the lock screen was her smiling . She looked very happy and I destroyed it . I felt more sadness seeing it.

I opened the phone ,  it had no password. The lock screen was her and her family . They were very happy maybe she kept it that because it would cheer her up . For her , her family was a lot .

I went to voice notes and it had a voice note in the name ' to Shivaay'.
I clicked the note and it started playing.

Hey this is Annika , Annika Vardhan Trivedi . Yup , I'm using my real name because that's my identity .
Shivaay thanks for being a friend to be but it's time for us to be Strangers and Tia and you to be Family.
It doesn't matter if you sign the papers or not but if you ever thought me as friend you will sign it .
Hey it's just a formality between you and Tia, after that you can have the life you wanted and you can say I'm the reason for the divorce and make it like you then started dating Tia .
We are already guilty and liars, there is nothing new ;we are just trying to bury the lies and start a new list.
You might be having hard feelings that you are the reason I left , no it's not. I just thought I'd being an angel instead of a devil in your love story . Don't look after me in the guilt, no one knows where I am other than me so there won't be any use.
Don't try to trace it or anything, it isn't going to work so have a good life with Tia .
Bye for forever . This Annika Vardhan Trivedi byeeee.

The Voice note ended and left a huge Wound on my heart. She might have not left that far . I did the thing that I could.

I went out and checked for her car. It wasn't there that means she took the car . I tried looking for the driver and he was too not there. This  means he would know where she  is.

I called him and I was informed she was in the bus stop and mailed me the address, I rush into the car and drive fast to the address.

"Madam left"the thing I didn't want to hear is what I heard.
She left me , all alone . I'm nobody. I'm being isolated one by one. If dadi heard this she'll also isolate me

"Annika"I screamed in top of my lungs , in the middle of the road in the Mighty rain......

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