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It couldn't be him, could it? Jung Hoseok?

Yoongi stared at his hyung, a confused look spreading across his soft and pale features. Jin was still staring at him, not saying a word.

"Do you mean Jung Hoseok?" please don't let it be him, please Yoongi.

"I don't really know his last name." The younger shrugged, still a confused look on his face.

"Why?" Yoongi continued.

"What does he look like? You know, the guy who has been following you?" Jin asked.

Yoongi looked more and more confused by the second. Jin never reacted this way. It was so weird. "Uhhh, dark brown hair, parted in the middle, brown eyes, around 1,77 cm's tall I think?" Was all the younger could really say about him. Or, that wasn't true, he could say so much more, about how sexy he was and how good his lips felt on his own, but he didn't really find that kind of information appropriate right now.

"What does his lips look like? Tell me about his lips." Jin asked impatiently. Yoongi found that question odd. Why the hell did he want to know about Hoseok's lips?

"That's a weird question hyung." The blonde simply stated, taking a sip of his fancy, and may I say, very expensive red wine.

"Just answer, please." The elder pleaded, jutting out his bottom lip for an extra effect. The younger rolled his eyes at his hyung and took a second to think about Hoseok's lips.

"Well, I don't really know what to say to be honest. I don't know how to describe the guys lips. They're just lips hyung." Lips that are extremely soft, and perfect and very kissable.

But Jin needed to get the description of the guy's lips. Because if they were heart shaped, if it really was Jung Hoseok, Yoongi was in a shit ton of trouble.

"Are they heart shaped Yoongi?" Jin was getting more impatient with the younger, and Yoongi could feel it.

"Yeah, I guess. Why are you so interested though? You know the guy?" The blonde asked his hyung before shoving a forkful of delicious pasta in his mouth.

Jin whipped his phone out and looked very concentrated while searching through what Yoongi assumed was his photos. The latter just sat in confused silence, eating his food and drinking his wine while waiting for his hyung to speak again.

And he finally did. He shoved his phone in the younger's face, the latter taking the device in his own hands to get a better look on what exactly he was showing him.

It was a picture of Hoseok.

Why does Jin have a picture of Hoseok?

"Is this the guy who has been following you?"

"Y-yes it is. Do you know him hyung?" Yoongi asked, getting a little weirded out about how small the world was.

"Let's just say I do business with him." The older male spoke before taking a sip of his wine.

And that was the end of that topic in the conversation.

Yoongi stayed for one more hour before making his way home to get ready for another shift at Red Velvet. He liked his job and the money he got from it, but right now he could feel his own anxiety and negative thoughts creep up on him. He wanted nothing more than just sink into the sheets and cry his heart out. The fact that Chang-Hoon was back in town made him both scared and sad. It brought back old memories that he didn't want to remember. He just wanted to forget. And he was so scared about how Jimin would react to the news. The younger was so sensitive, and Yoongi didn't want to scare or upset the boy, but he couldn't keep the fact that Chung-Hoon was back from him. It wouldn't be safe or fair to Jimin.

But he couldn't let his depressive ways stop him from getting bread on the table. He had a job to do, and he was actually very lucky to work at such an amazing club as Red Velvet. The dancers there was treated so well compared to other clubs, and they were paid good money and it was just a great place. So he felt like he had no right to complain, he had no right to be ungrateful.

So when he walked through his door, he took a shower, changed into his dancing outfit, put something over it so he wouldn't freeze to death on the walk there and drank some water. He was a little tipsy from the red wine, but still more than able to work. It honestly just made his performance better.

The blonde male walked out of his apartment 55 minutes before he had to perform. He had his duffle back over his shoulder and his big black jacket on. He even wore a hat, just because he felt like it.

As he walked down the familiar alley, his mind drifted to Hoseok. He felt so oddly attracted to the male. The man was fucking following him, threatening his friends, and here he was, crushing over the dark haired male.

wait, wait, wait. am I crushing on Hoseok?

He couldn't be. It was probably just the wine that clouded his mind, probably just his body that missed being loved, probably just his lips that missed being kissed. No, he wasn't crushing on this Hoseok guy, that would be ridiculous.

"How are you doing?" A voice behind him asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He smiled internally at the voice. He didn't know why, but he found it kind of entertaining to talk to the dark haired male.

"Hi Hoseok."

Hi, thanks for reading and holy shit, thank you for getting Desire over 300 views wow. I appreciate it more than you know, thank you ily.

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