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He and Hoseok had went to bed that night, holding each other tight. They were both so grateful to be alive and be in each other's arms. 

Yoongi had woken up to an empty bed, frowning at the missing heat Hoseok always provided, so he walked downstairs where he was met with over 15 people.

He had almost forgot the part where some of Hoseok's men had decided to stay for the night. Some of them had left before dinner, leaving not a large amount of his men to sleep over, but it was still a lot of people to Yoongi.  

"Good morning Yoongi-hyung." Namjoon greeted him from the couch where Jungkook was seated in his lap once again. 

He smiled at the couple and greeted them back before he started looking for Hoseok. 

"He's in the kitchen." A man Yoongi had never seen before told him, apparently reading his mind. Because there Hoseok was, helping his maids cook breakfast for his men. 

Yoongi just stood and admired him for a second. 

He wondered how the hell someone could be as perfect as Jung Hoseok. The man spent all his time making people happy without even realising it. He didn't even have to try. He just made everyone happy with the way he cared, the way he smiled, the way he laughed. Everything about him was just...perfect. 

"Goodmorning darling." Hoseok said once he caught Yoongi staring at him. "Want some breakfast?" 

"Yes please, I'm starving." Yoongi said, making Hoseok's smile brighten. He leaned over the kitchen counter to kiss Yoongi on the cheek right before he flipped a pancake perfectly. 

"The food will be ready in 5 minutes, go sit down with the others." The brunette smiled. But Yoongi shook his head and joined him by the stove. "I wanna help." He said, making Hoseok smile yet again. 

"Am I that bad of a cook?" Hoseok teased, earning a giggle from Yoongi. An adorable one that made Hoseok's heart swell with love.  

"I love you and all, but your cooking skills could approve." Yoongi laughed, and it was true. Hoseok loved cooking for other people, he was just not that great at it. 

The two finished making breakfast along with two other maids, bringing the food into the big meeting room that had turned into a dining hall for the day. They all sat down together and ate in chatter and good company. 

Hoseok loved this. Seeing his whole family being together like this. 

The clock soon striked 4pm and the meeting room was filled yet again. But this time for an actual meeting and not just eating. Yoongi was once again seated beside Hoseok while Jungkook was in Namjoon's lap (surprise).

"Alright. Now, we luckily didn't lose anybody yesterday, but EXO sure did. And I want to thank you all fo-" Hoseok was interrupted as the door to the meeting room flew open and a panting man barged in. 

It was Jin. 

Yoongi's breath got caught in his throat at the sight of his friend. What the hell was he doing here?

"Jin-hyung? What the hell are you doing here?" Yoongi asked, the panting male's eyes shooting up and widening once he saw Yoongi. 

"Yoongi." He breathed. Yoongi was utterly confused. Jin owned a restaurant, not a mafia, so why the hell was he there? How did he know Hoseok?

"Maybe we should let them talk it out outside..." Namjoon suggested. Yoongi nodded at that. He surely wanted an explanation from Jin. 

The two walked outside and sat down on the big couch in the even bigger living room. 

"Hyung, what the hell are you doing here?" Yoongi asked with raised eyebrows and confusion written in big bold letters all over his face. 

"I could ask you the same." Jin sassily shot back. He couldn't help himself, it was in his nature. Yoongi rolled his eyes at him raised a brow. 

"Are you apart of a mafia as well?" Yoongi asked. It surprised him how much mafia had actually been involved in his life without him knowing about it. It had all been right under his nose the whole time. 

"Hyung, will you please explain to me what's going on?" Yoongi pleaded since Jin didn't answer the first question. Jin sighed and bit his lip as he took at moment to collect his thoughts and words that would be leaving his mouth soon. 

"I'm not directly apart of a mafia. Or this mafia. I do business with J-Hope, I'm what you call an associate. We have a business deal, so I often attend the meetings. Plus I'm also friends with him. I actually thought you knew that I know him" Jin explained, and it made sense to Yoongi. But he couldn't help but keep wondering how he could have been so oblivious. 

One of his closets friends had been doing business with a mafia boss all this time, Hoseok had been that mafia boss all along. What's next? Taehyung and Jimin being apart of Illuminati or what?

"...okay. So you-you've been lying to me too?" Yoongi asked, anger starting to slowly built up inside of him. Why the hell did his closest always lie to him? 

"I haven't been lying to you, I just didn't tell you." Jin said, checking his nails. He always got to defensive and cold when people were trying to confront him, and Yoongi hated it. He hated it so much.

"I- what the fuck.." Yoongi took his head in his hands and started massaging his scalp. There was so much going on all the time, his brain almost couldn't handle it. He was still so exhausted after the kidnapping, that his body was still recovering from, he was trying to understand this whole new world that he had been presented to, and now he also had to find out one of his closest friends was apart of it, along with his boyfriend ruling it. He felt like exploding.

The two sat in silence for a while before Hoseok came out to check on them. Yoongi assumed the meeting was over. 

"Is everything alright?" He asked hesitantly, gaze fixed on Yoongi who was still holding his head in his hands. 

"Yeah. I think I'm going to Tae and Jiminie's. I need to think.." He said, now looking up at Hoseok. 

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