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Those words were always going to be on his body, reminding him of his shadow each time he looked at it.

Hoseok had just come home from their visit to the Pei mafia, wiping the dried blood off his hands with a wet towel. It was around 3.20am, and he was expecting a text from Yoongi, but when he checked his phone, there was none. The hours went by and still not a single sign of Yoongi. Hoseok was getting slightly worried. Yoongi had promised him to text him right when he had gotten home, but he hadn't gotten a text yet.

Did he get home safe? Did something happen to him?

He decided to go to bed and wait till the morning to panic, so he went upstairs to his room and fell asleep with a worried expression resting on his face and an empty feeling since Yoongi wasn't falling asleep in his arms.

He woke up the next morning, missing the sight of a sleeping Yoongi beside him. He checked his phone for any sign of him.


He called Yoongi, but the phone went straight to voicemail. He tried calling again and then again, but it just went straight to voicemail. Yoongi almost always picked up. Something was for sure wrong.

He frowned at the screen, now determined to call one of Yoongi's best friends to ask if they had heard anything from him.

"Hello, this is Jimin, who am I speaking to?" A cheery voice spoke on the other end.

"This is Hoseok. Have you seen Yoongi?"

"Oh hey Hoseok! Yeah, I saw him yesterday. At Red Velvet."

"You haven't heard from him since?" Hoseok asked, the worried feeling not leaving his chest.

"No, why? Do you think something happened to him?" Jimin started sounding worried as well on the other end.

"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out." Hoseok said, getting up from his bed and walking downstairs.

"Okay, call me when you know something please."

"Of course, goodbye."


He grabbed an apple before hearing Felix yell his name from his computer dungeon. He turned around and walked towards the room he knew the boy was seated in and peeked his head in. "Yes?" He looked at the boy who held a concerned expression.

"EXO sent us a message. Or rather, they sent you a message." He said, waving Hoseok towards the computer screen in front of him. It was a bunch of dots and lines, something Hoseok knew. It was a morse code.

"Have you found out what it says?" Hoseok asks, slowly reading the code himself.

"Yeah. It says we have your kitty. he's so pretty when he cries." The younger boy shivered at it. Hoseok's eyes grew wide, the realisation hitting him as the words sunk into his skin. It made his blood boil and heart swell of concern.

They had taken Yoongi. That was why he wasn't answering his phone and didn't text him last night.

"Sir, what do you think it means?" Felix looked up at him, surprised at the furious look on Hoseok's face.

"They have Yoongi. They're trying to play games with me." Hoseok growled, clenching his fist. They were going to regret ever crossing him in the first place, just like Pei did. Hoseok swore to himself to kill who ever dared to lay a single finger on Yoongi, making their death slow and painful.

"What should we do?" Felix said. He was familiar with Yoongi, haven seen him around the mansion often over the last few months. He knew about him not knowing that Hoseok was a mafia boss, so he pretended that he was Hoseok's business assistant. Felix and him had spoken before, and he actually liked Yoongi a lot.

"Keep track on them and report back to me if you get any new information." Hoseok said before leaving the boy alone in the dimly lit room that he almost never left.

Hoseok called Namjoon and Jungkook right away and told them to come as soon as possible. They arrived at his mansion only 5 minutes later, worried expressions painting their faces. "What's the matter?" Namjoon asked, fixing his glasses.

"Suho has taken Min Yoongi to start some sort of game with me. I need your help with getting him back." Hoseok explained shortly, the look on his face serious and stern, convincing his two friends just with the look in his eyes.

"How so?" Jungkook asked, running a hand through his long black hair. The contrast between Namjoon and Jungkook was almost amusing, the younger being dressed in casual black jeans and a black t-shirt while Namjoon was all dressed up in a suit with glasses and styled hair.

"A mission. We need to find out where they have him located and then we'll break him out and bring him home" Hoseok explained.

"But isn't that a bit risky? You'll risk your identity getting exposed, and worst case scenario, you can risk Bangtan getting exposed-" Namjoon tried to reason but he was interrupted by Hoseok. It would indeed be a risky mission, but Hoseok didn't care. He would put his whole life on the line if it just meant Yoongi would be safe and happy.

"I don't care! I need to bring him home. Whether you like it or not." His voice was stern, convincing the pair that there was no other way to do this. So they complied with nods. "Okay. We need some soldiers though." Jungkook said. Hoseok nodded and looked at his watch.

"Jungkook, call some of your men. Namjoon, arrange a meeting for the people who's joining the mission." He commanded before walking upstairs to plan out this whole mission.

Only 20 minutes later, Jungkook, Namjoon and 7 other soldiers were seated around Hoseok's oval meeting table in the usual meeting room.

Felix had gotten another lead that told them where they might be keeping Yoongi. The whole mission was now planned out, all of them ready for action.

Hoseok was sure that it wasn't a trap. He knew Suho's patterns, when he was lying and when he was telling the truth, and he could tell that it wasn't a lie or trick. Felix had found out their whereabout and the location didn't even surprise Hoseok. An old warehouse just out of town. Such a typical place for Suho. He was one of the most uncreative people Hoseok had ever met.

When the meeting was done and everything was planned out, they quickly left all suited up with murder on their minds. His grip on the steering wheel was tight, his knuckles turning white as he drove towards the destination. His blood boiled as the same words kept repeating in his mind, feeing his racing anger further.

we have your kitty

He needed to save Yoongi. Even if it meant losing everything.

We love us some cliche love story shii 😌
Also, I just realized I didn't include Hobi and Yoongi's bdays in this and now I'm sad ):

And I HAD to include another Hoseok x Dior in this because how could I not

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