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"Yeah.." He said as he began dreaming about Hoseok's soft lips and warm hands.

It was the next day, around 5pm. Yoongi had went to Hoseok's place the night before and slept over at his mansion. 

The day had then went by with Yoongi getting to know some of Hoseok's men and Hoseok filling him in on everything that was going on. 

If he was being honest, Yoongi was quite fascinated by the mafia world. The way Hoseok basically had control over whole South Korea and how he handled things. The way they were all so close and friendly with each other, almost like a real family.  

He couldn't help but have respect for them. 

"Boss! I think you're gonna want to see this." Felix yelled from where he was usually seated, interrupting Yoongi and Hoseok's conversation. The latter excused himself and walked off to hear what Felix had to say. 

"What is it Felix?" He asked in the doorway. Said male looked up at his boss with a worried expression, waving him towards the computer screen in front of him. 

"EXO sent us another message. It's in morse code again" He said, pointing to the dots and lines on the screen. Hoseok was getting a little tired of all the pathetic morse codes Suho was sending him. It was so uncreative. Couldn't he just type like a normal person?

Hoseok read it either way, narrowing his eyes in concentration. And when the words were finally formed into a sentence in his head, his eyes widened and the adrenaline instantly started pumping through his veins. 

We're on our way Hopie (:

He knew exactly what that meant. Something he had been waiting for to happen for months now. EXO was finally going to attack them. He just didn't realise it would happen so fast. 

"Shit. I'm gonna call everyone over, get in the meeting room immediately!" Hoseok commanded, running into the the living room where Jungkook was currently laughing at something Yoongi had said. They both looked up at the way Hoseok hurriedly entered the room, their expressions turning concerned at the look on his face. 

"EXO is attacking tonight. Jungkook, call your soldiers immediately, I'm gonna call the other Capos. Meet me in the meeting room suited up as fast as possible." He commanded, and Jungkook didn't even question it, he just did as he was told. Yoongi on the other hand was freaking out, a million questions about the situation flooding his mind. Hoseok had told him about the EXO mafia, the people who also kidnapped him and carved letters into his skin.

"Hoseok, what's going on?" He asked, eyes panicked and pleading as he looked up at Hoseok who surprisingly looked rather calm. 

"Our rival mafia is attacking very soon and we need to prepare to fight. I need you, Jungkook, Felix, Jisung and Hyujin to follow a Capo named Changbin. He'll keep you safe. You'll also get a gun. Changbin will show you how to use it." Hoseok informed in his usual commanding tone he spoke in when it came to his mafia. Yoongi's eyes just widened further at that, the thought of leaving Hoseok to fight those people alone and Yoongi being without him making his heart pick up speed in pure panic and terror. 

"W-What?" He asked, not wanting to believe the words that had just left Hoseok's mouth. 

And before he knew it, the man Yoongi believed to be Changbin walked into the living room, all suited up and ready to fight with Jungkook, Felix and two other boys following behind him. They were wearing bulletproof vests, except for Jungkook who was in his usual uniform. 

"Yoongi, you need to go with them." Hoseok commanded as more of his men started piling through the living room and into the meeting room. 

"Hoseok" Was the only thing he could think of to say. His mind was going crazy, he couldn't think of anything to do or say. Everything was blurry as he tried to make sense of it all.

"I'll see you when this is over. Follow Changbin's orders and you'll be alright." Hoseok's voice had now turned softer once he saw the pure panic in Yoongi's eyes. He could understand why he reacted that way, he wasn't used to this life. 

"But what about you?" Yoongi now stood up, careful not to apply too much pressure on his thigh as he walked towards Hoseok.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. Now go with Changbin, I'll see you in a bit." He kissed Yoongi on the lips, keeping them there for a short moment just to savour the feeling of his lips against his own.

After all, there was still a small chance it would be their last kiss. 

Jungkook took Yoongi's hand, and before he knew it he was led through numerous of doors until they finally arrived in a dark room with a big heavy metal door that Changbin locked and put a chair against. 

His heart was still hammering against his ribs as the thought of losing Hoseok right after he got him back kept clouding his mind. 

"He'll be okay hyung, he's a great fighter." Jungkook tried to comfort him once he saw the distressed look on his face. He himself felt extremely bad as well since he wasn't able to fight along with his family. And his boyfriend was also fighting without him, so he knew how Yoongi felt - useless. 

Changbin was currently handing out guns to the four other boy who sat down on the big couch in the corner of the room. He also gave Yoongi a bulletproof vest and a gun and showed him how to use it, just in case. 

"What do we do now?" Yoongi asked once he was suited up himself and seated on the couch with the other boys. Felix was typing away on his laptop and Jungkook was playing some game on his phone. He wondered how they could all remain so calm in a situation like this, but then he remembered that they were probably used to it. 

"Now we wait." Changbin said, fiddling with a shiny dagger. 

i know this is not the time to get wholesome but thank you guys for 10k what the actual hell  

i appreciate you all and i hope you're healthy and happy

big mwah

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