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"Are you hungry?" The brunette asked.

The smaller finally met his gaze. The mention of food could get Yoongi's attention in the matter of seconds.

Hoseok wrote that down in the back of his mind.

"Yes." The blonde simply answered. Hoseok took a short moment to just admire Yoongi. His soft features, his pale porcelain skin and cute button nose, his doll like lips and beautiful cat like eyes. He kept telling himself that the only reason he liked looking at the male was because he was pretty.

"Let me whip something up for you then." Hoseok said, turning around and walking towards his kitchen with a hungry Yoongi following him. He motioned for the blonde to sit at a bar stool while he made him something to eat, and he did just that.

"Is this really your house?" Yoongi asked, his eyes roaming around the kitchen and living room in awe. He had never been in such a beautiful house before.

Hoseok chuckled and turned around to look at him. "You find that hard to believe?" He teased and Yoongi's eyebrows quickly shot up.

"N-no that's not what I meant." He tried to defend, dropping his sassy, confident brick wall of a facade. This only made Hoseok chuckle more, and that beautiful heart shaped smile of his made an appearance.

"I'm messing with you. But yes this is my house. And you slept in my guest room." He said, turning around and focusing on the eggs he was making.

"How the hell do you have money for this place?" Yoongi asked in disbelief, not caring if it was rude to ask about someone's income.

Hoseok stiffened at his words. How the hell could he explain to Yoongi that he ran South Korea's biggest mafia Bangtan? It would for sure scare the smaller male off, and Hoseok didn't want that. He didn't know why, but he liked being in Yoongi's company.

"Uhhhhh.... I run a business." Hoseok tried to say as an excuse. But Yoongi didn't miss the way he fell out of his cocky, confident character. But like Hoseok did when Yoongi didn't want to answer the question about Chang-Hoon, he let it go. It probably wasn't any of his business either.

"How old are you anyway?" Yoongi suddenly got curious. He didn't look much younger than Yoongi, and yet he had this major mansion and probably a bank filled to the brim, while Yoongi worked as a stripper and lived in an apartment. Yoongi was still grateful for what he had, but sometimes it amazed him how much luckier some people was in life.

"24, you?" He asked, even though he already knew Yoongi's age. But he couldn't just tell the guy that he was a mafia boss and that he had a lot information about him just in case they needed to blackmail him. That would be slightly creepy.

"You're only 24 and you have a fucking mansion?" Yoongi asked in disbelief. Hoseok chuckled at his blunt behavior. He actually liked that Yoongi didn't sugar coat his thoughts and feelings.

"I have three actually." Yoongi's jaw dropped at the brunette's words, not quite believing his ears. Three fucking mansion??! He looked up at Hoseok who met his gaze with a smile, not a cocky one, just a smile while walking towards him with a plate with scrambled eggs and vegetables.

"Eat." He commanded, putting the plate in front of Yoongi. He looked up at Hoseok, and the brunette's breath got caught in his throat. Even though he had seen Yoongi so many times now, it never ceased to amaze him how pretty the male actually was.

After eating together in a comfortable silence, Yoongi decided to speak up.

"How far away is your house from my apartment?" He asked, and Hoseok kind of appreciated that he didn't call his house a mansion. He knew from the background checks they had made on Yoongi that he did not grow up with much money, and therefore Hoseok couldn't help but appreciate that Yoongi didn't seem to care about Hoseok's money.

"Hmmm, a 15 or 20 minute drive." The brunette replied putting their plates and glasses on a counter for one of his maids to take later.

"Your house is beautiful by the way." Yoongi suddenly complimented, surprising both of them. He wasn't lying though.

"Thank you." The brunette said with a smile that shoved his adorable dimples. 

After some time, Hoseok decided that it was time to drive the bleach blonde home. He wanted to spend more time with the latter, but he knew he had meetings to attend, business to take care of and a whole mafia to run, so his schedule simply didn't let him.

The car ride was filled with chatter and music playing in the background. The car soon came to a stop outside Yoongi's apartments complex, disappointing the both of them. They wanted to savour being in each others presence a little longer.

"See you around darling." The younger of the two winked as his black Rolls Royce Phantom pulled away from the sidewalk and drove into the distance. Yoongi, standing on the sidewalk just sighed to himself and thought back tho how hectic this last month had been for him.

He had witnessed a murder.

He was being followed by a deadly gorgeous guy.

He had seen his favourite hyung again.

He had been assaulted by someone from his past.

Then he had been rescued by the deadly gorgeous guy who followed him.

And then he slept over at the deadly gorgeous guy's house.

He almost couldn't believe it. November was going by so fast, and soon December was near.

He walked up the stairs to his apartment and opened his door, that to his surprise was unlocked.

Did I forget to unlock it yesterday?

He threw his dufflebag somewhere and walked into the living room area.

He screamed in fear with his hands on his chest as he saw two men sitting in his living room.

Hello, hello, helloooo loves! And happy holidays! I hope you enjoy yourselves no matter what religion you believe in, and no matter if you celebrate christmas or not. I purple you all and wish you all a wonderful day! I'll update as much as I can, but I'm very busy because of the holidays.

Much love, Author <3

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