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The world flew by in your car, and you could see the lights passing by in your peripheral vision as you passed a sign: Welcome to Washington. You'd made it. A day and a half in your car, listening to your 'road trip' playlist, trying your hardest not to think about your last job. You had finally made it to Washington (I apologize if you actually live in Washington, just pretend you moved from a few states away).

You looked down for a second, knowing it was safe to do so, looking at your bruised knuckles. You were lucky you didn't break any of your fingers. You had hurt the guy so much, and the blood... It had taken half an hour just to treat your bandanna and hoodie to wash them clean. You had made sure your 'boss' knew that this was your final job before you left. Leaving made you angry, but it had to be done. You'd made connections with everyone, and didn't want to have to hurt friends or family.  

You already had your house bought in a small town just outside of Seattle. It was a quiet neighbourhood you had chosen, with an unfinished house. All that was really missing was the paint. You could do that in your spare time with ease. 

A new song had started, one that you had spent a whole day listening to after you had went through your head and decided you finally had to get away: I Really Wish I Hated You by blink-182. You had no real reason to listen to it, it was just the first song you had heard that day and spent the whole day listening to it until you memorized every last detail of the song, down to the beat.

I don't really like myself without you
Every song I sing is still about you

You hummed along to the music, finding that your eyes were getting heavy. You had to pull over somewhere for the night.

Save me from myself the way you used to
'Cause I don't really like myself without you
I really wish I hated you

Finally, you had found a place to pull over safely to sleep. You didn't like to sleep in motels or hotels or anything like that. You preferred your car; it worked as a bed and a getaway vehicle if something happened. 

The world was quiet as you turned off your car, now just listening to your playlist.

I love you, but I hate you when you're with someone else
And I want you wrapped around me, but I don't trust myself
I drove by your house, but you don't live there anymore

The world was a cruel place filled with asshole people that did asshole things, like make you fall in love with them before breaking you and abandoning you. You knew your fair share of those asshole people that did asshole things. It was your job to get information out of them. Has been for the past eight years, since you were 17. The world hasn't gotten any better since then, but you weren't complaining; it gave you work. 

The song ended while you were spaced out, and you decided that was enough music for today. You had to be up bright and early to get to your new home before anyone actually woke up. 

•       •       •

It was 8:05 in the morning when you pulled into your driveway, letting out a breath as you stopped your music. You hadn't been paying attention to what was playing, just played the music to drown out your memories of work while you drove. 

You stepped out of the car and stretched, taking in the feel of your new home. And that's when you noticed a light on in a garage across the street and two houses over. And an older man with a boy working in it, not paying you any attention. You stared for a moment, then shut your door, opening the back door and grabbing a packed box and your bag.

When you shut the door again, the boy jerked his head up to see you. He tugged on the old man's lab coat, saying something to him. Then they both stared at you as you had your back to them. 

You gazed at the house with your bag hanging off of your shoulder, holding the box with both hands before sighing and walking to the door, setting the box down and fishing the house key from your pocket. 

After unlocking the door and lightly kicking it open, you left the box right inside before popping the trunk, glancing up to see they were still working on little gadgets. You grabbed two boxes this time, meaning you only had to make one more trip. You didn't bring many things this time, since you were bound to go back to H/T to visit; you could get your stuff when you left. 

An hour later, you had most of your stuff unpacked. Except...

"Shit," you muttered, realizing you'd left another box in the back seat. You groaned, looking at what you were wearing: A plain white t-shirt and navy blue sweatpants. If your neighbours didn't like it, tough luck. You weren't getting changed into anything fancy just to grab a box from your car. 

As you stepped outside, you noticed the man and teenager from earlier were still out in the garage, arguing. You couldn't make out what they were saying, due to the amount of stuttering and burping between them. You knew they had been staring at you earlier and decided to make it known that you weren't playing around. You grabbed the last box and made direct eye contact with both of them.

The boy turned away immediately, intimidated by your confidence. However, the old man met your gaze head-on. You had respect for him, not many people would have done that. You gave him a nod before turning around and going back inside, shutting the door. Looks like you would have to get to know this man across the street.

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