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The day went quick. You and Konnor had a great time, catching up and having a few laughs while you painted, and at one point almost had a paint war. You threatened to kill him if he got paint in your hair or on the furniture, though, and he decided against it. Smart choice on his end, really. 

Now it was dark, and the two of you were still talking, not wanting to go to bed just yet. That's when you had a bright idea, grinning at your childhood friend. 

"Wanna get wasted and look at the stars?" You asked with a child-ish look in your eyes, grabbing a thin throw blanket and opening a cabinet to grab a bottle of vodka and a two-liter of Coca-Cola, but stopped dead in your tracks when you heard: 

"I have whiskey in the truck. Unopened, of course." You couldn't help but laugh; of course he brought whiskey.

"Fine, but we use my blanket, got it?" You playfully threatened, closing the cabinet and turning to your best friend.

He smiled and nodded. "Deal." 

•  •  •

So here you lay on the blanket, taking turns drinking the strong alcohol straight from the bottle, taking in a sharp breath when it first hit the back of your throat. 

"Been a while since you've drank this, huh?" Konnor laughed, watching your face scrunch up as you passed the bottle back to him. 

"Shut up, man. I don't drink a lot," you playfully hit his arm, looking up at the clear sky, seeing the stars and moon and satellites in the night sky. You sighed as you continued to stare upwards. "It's a shame that most of those aren't even stars. They're mostly satellites and shit." 

He shook his head. "Ever wonder how the sky would look if the satellites never existed?" 

You gave a half-smile at the thought. "Yeah, but then I always feel upset because that would mean no GPS, not getting to hear nearly as much music, and... Well, we'd be completely undeveloped. Look at the world, Kon. We thrive on technology." He passed the bottle back to you and you took a long drink from it, hissing as you pulled it away from your lips. "I still think the vodka and Coke would have been better." 

He watched you stand up and walk back inside for a moment before you came out with vodka, Coke and two glasses. "I doubt half a bottle of whiskey each will get us drunk, not with your tolerance." 

•  •  •

Who knows how much time had passed, all you and Konnor knew is that you weren't the only ones still awake. The old man across the street was obviously slightly buzzed as he tinkered away with his tools with the garage door open. You sat up and gave a drunk laugh. 

"Konnor, should we go t.p. someone's house?" You slurred, laughing yourself silly. He shook his head at your drunken state.

"N/N, just listen to your music. You don't need to get up until you go to bed, weirdo." He turned on the first playlist on your phone, and Social Cues by Cage the Elephant played. 

I think it's strange when people say
"You're the next big thing, you'll never fade"

The slightest touch, forced to fold
Sleight of the hand, modern gold

The two of you stared at the stars for even longer, noticing that the moon was large and right above you. You quite literally had stars in your eyes as you smiled in awe. 

Starry-eyed child left behind
Choose your favourite vice
I don't have the strength to play nice 

You felt your neighbour's eyes on you, so you sat up and looked at him and waved. He looked away, going back to working on his... science-y things. How rude. 

You looked back to Konnor. He wasn't drunk, you knew this for a fact. He could always handle alcohol well, and it was hard for him to get drunk. The two of you shared a smile as you stood, grabbing your phone. 

"'m goin' to bed. 'Nighty-night." 

Hide me in the back room, tell me when it's over
Don't know if I can play this part much longer
I'll be in the back room, tell me when it's over
Don't know if I can play this part much longer

Konnor followed you inside, shaking his head and laughing. "You really are a weird drunk, you know that?" He wrapped an arm around you, helping you inside with your music still playing.

I don't know if it is right to live this way, yeah
I'll be in the back room, tell me when it's over
People always say, "man, at least you're on the radio"

He helped you upstairs to your room and set you on your bed that the two of you had spent almost two hours putting together. As he tucked you in, he set your phone on your nightstand and turned it off.

Close your eyes, don't be afraid
Take some of these, they'll ease the pain
Live fast, die young, pay the price
The best die young, immortalized
Starry-eyed child left behind 
To choose their favourite vice
I don't have the strength to think twice

• • •

A/N; I'm sorry that this one is shorter than the other chapters, I've been working on this one for three days and was kinda dragging it out to get as much from it as I could, I just didn't know how to get this chapter out. I promise the next chapter will have more Rick and reader interaction, I just wanted to add in this filler chapter while I put some finishing ideas for the next few chapters. I'll try to push these out ASAP.

- .The Writer.

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