chapter 1

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"Have you heard about the star messenger .There is a myth that Northern star is the messenger of moon godness. On every full moon day at sharp 12 midnight. Make a wish. The northern star will carry all the wishes and pass it down to moon godness. Then the moon godness hears our wishes and will grant it.So close your eyes and make a wish. "

Those words still linger in my ears.
Standing on my house rooftop , I looked at the sky that was glittering with stars. I often wonder what these stars are. Is it my ancestors looking down and guiding us ?are they just some stones that shine. ? Are they some light insects that are stuck on the black net? Will the stars fall down so that we can collect it and store it in glass bottles.? For a grown up 26 year old Omega , I do have crazy thoughts.

Pushing all my thoughts aside , his words rushed in. Giving the full moon a last glance , I closed my eyes. I made my wish. Hope the northern star passes my wish to the godness and she grants it.

"Ai oon ... Come down na.. it's time for dinner."

Mom's loud voice can be heard even if she is in kitchen which is 2 floors down from where I stand .

"Am not hungry mom .. my stomach is full.."

My stomach differs it. Some strange sound can be heard from my stomach as if it's screaming for food.
Its not that am dieting or my mom's food sucks , avoiding the dinner is to avoid the marriage talks.

Yes guys you heard it right . MARRIAGE talks.

An Omega who is 26 years old and still not married is a big issue. As if.

My mom's dear darling Alpha brother who acts as my God father but literally a monster father to me wants me to get married now. He found a suitor for me. Someone who is wealthy and comes from a high Alpha family. If you think what's wrong with such a great uncle who found such an awesome suitor for me , you are wrong. My uncle wants me to marry that Alpha so that the debts he had to pay to that Alpha would be cancelled . Am just a property that he wants to exchange for his freedom.
My uncle who has nothing but doubts on me since forever never misses a chance to punish me for the mistakes I have never done. if he sees me talking to any Alpha or even just randomly stand next to one , he would think am in some relationship and beat me black and blue.

He says an Omega should never mingle with any alphas . He doesn't want the society to make random rumors about me .Fuck stereotypes who think an alpha and Omega can't be just friends .

I know you are waiting to ask me why I am tolerating this type of a uncle. I won't if I hadn't lost my dad years back. For a family consisting of only 2 omegas , it is a great chance for alphas with lustful eyes and money minded heads to reach us. No matter how rich you are , not having an alpha to protect you makes you insecure.
"My brother is your god father . He knows what is best for you. He will protect you and never hurt you. Always Listen to him". My mom's words still can be heard in my ears. What can a 5 year old reply back then other than nodding his head. My mom now knows how controlling and hotheaded her brother is. She wanted to set me free. But her brothers anger and the thirsty alphas outside  makes her continue hiding the key to my freedom. She told me there is some alpha out there who is born only for me. Who will help me spread my wings of freedom. Tho she acts like compelling me to marry the Alpha that her brother chose in front of him , She still believes someone will come for me.

Arthit is an independent Omega who works as a simple software engineer even if he is born with silver spoon. He is strong , bold and drowns in confidence. He is cool but short tempered. He fights  for the rights  of omegas and wants the society to change their views about omegas being weak ones who must only be stuck in their house looking after their husband and children.  He is a cute and cheerful person . Tho  he doesn't want anyone other than his mom and his crazy friend Rome , there is a part of his heart that longs for someone. Someone who can pull him out of this quicksand .

Rubbing his grumbling tummy , he turned towards his bed to sleep. Tomorrow is Monday. Beginning of a hetic week of work. Thinking about the messenger star myth and the person who told him about it. Arthit closed his eyes sliding to his Dreamland.

Somewhere in another country someone uploads a photo on Instagram.

A photo that is gonna change many life's.


Sounds boring ?
Funny and romantic moments coming up soon.

Omegas in this book are like few girls in our society who are forced to bury their dreams. It's about the stereotype society who judges you and restricts the basic  freedom you deserve.

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