chapter 6

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Arthits POV

Arthit - ko- Kong

Kong - hey... Arthit .. what a surprise.

Am I too obsessed with Kong that I started seeing him everywhere . You are hallucinating Arthit . Plain ordinary normal hallucination. Close your eyes and then nicely rub your eyes , he will disappear.....
And that's what I did.. thinking that Kong will disappear if I rub my eyes properly , I started doing it . But

Kongwhat happen Arthit. Did some dust get into your eyes.

Congratulations Arthit... Not only that you were hallucinating , you started hallucinating inside your hallucination. Time to book a hospital bed .

" Kong ..what is taking you so much time. I have be- wait.. Arthit is that you ?"

Isn't that Bright.... What is he doing in my imagination.

"Here is your pinkmilk Ar- OMG.. Kong is that you and...Bright my buddy . Long time no see . "

My best friend who went missing for  what seems like hours ,  that I even thought he went to harvest strawberries for making pink milk suddenly out of blue appereared in front of us and  started greeting Kong and Bright.

seeing Rome hugging Kong like an octopus clutching it's prey , I can undoubtedly say I am not hallucinating. Why is he hugging Kong like that. Can't he go hug that Bright .

while I was busy planning about someone's or my so called best friends burial , I forgot to notice that I was next in line to get the tickets.

"Excuse me sir ?"

Arthit-  "O-oh ya.. fo-four tickets please. "

Just when I was about to pull out my wallet to pay , someone already paid for us.

Kong - let me pay for it na Arthit. It's my treat.

Arthit - but i-

Kong - no buts and ifs okay. It is my right to pay for my friends.... Come na.. let's go inside before the movie starts.

Saying that Kong started walking towards the door animatedly talking with Rome.
Can I please kill my best friend.

Bright - if you are done murdering that cutie pie in you head , can we also go inside to watch the movie.

Cutie pie ??? Rome ???...

Soon we all were seated on our respective seats. The seating arrangements were like Bright , Rome , me and Kong. Rome said he need some catching up with Bright .not that I complaint of the sitting arrangement.

The movie was so interesting that I forgot I am sitting next to my first love whom I haven't seen for nearly 5 years . May be in between when our hands by mistake touched twice or thrice while taking popcorn , I would have blushed or instantly frozen. Thanks to the darkness . No one noticed it.

When movie finally ended and the credits were rolling down , the light were turned on again bringing me back to the reality. While on the way out , walking towards our parking , we talked . Was it about his new life or latest job , I have no idea. Only thing I heard was that he is done with states and will be settling here in Thailand from now onwards. Huge fire works were bursting in my mind.

By the time we reached the parking lot , the sky turned dark. My permitted time will end now. I wanted to hurry home at the same time don't want to leave Kong right now. Like a small rain in my Sahara desert , Kong gave me his phone number . I acted like saving his number . Why would I save his number twice.

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