chapter 4

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Arthit pov

Every computer engineering student have to do a compulsory 3 months Internship in some company during our forth year . I choose KSL LTD. A very popular software company for my internship.

when we go to a new place and meet new people , the first thing we do is search for a familiar face . It's not possible to measure the relief and happiness you get when you spot a familiar face in an unfamiliar environment . During my introduction , I spotted a familiar face. Someone whom I have been avoiding for a year.

P Dan - These are our 2 interns . Kongpop suthiluck and Arthit Rojnapat. Please take care of them .

P Dan , the HR manager introduced us both to the staffs. After taking a small round inside the company and meeting the department heads , we were given a short break.

Sitting across in the canteen and sipping our respective drinks , there was an uncomfortable silence lingering in between us.

Kong - hey

Arthit - hey.

And that was the beginning. After few days , we were back to how we used to be one year back. Laughing and teasing together . Gosh.. I missed him so much.

Our three months internship program almost reached the end . On our final day we planned to go out for a dinner. " Let's treat ourselves to for successfully completing our internship. We do deserve a plate of rare steak and a glass of red wine. Plus there is a mini surprise for you ". That was what mr so called handsome intern - I mean kongpop said. Handsome intern is his nickname in our company.

It was at night 8 that we planned to have our dinner in an American restaurant.

Knowing that I have more than 2 hours before our  said time , I entered the Archie's store to find something to gift Rome. His birthday is coming soon. Archie's is one of the best stores where you can find cards and gifts for your best friends or lovers. As I was wandering in the gifts section looking at one after the other push toys , I heard a loud laughing sound. Turning to the side from where the sound came from , i saw two guys laughing at some cards. I couldn't see there faces but still Even a blind one can tell they are a lovely couple. After choosing a white wolf push toy , I went to pay for it. While waiting for the sales person to ring the bill , I simply looked inside the store again. But this time I was able to see the face of the couple who was just laughing so loadly before. When those 2 had a happy face , mine was shocked one. The couple was none other than Kong and nong Ohm.

They.. they are a couple ? But Kong told me  nothing was  going on between them.

I left the store immediately not even turning back when the salesperson was calling me from behind telling me to collect the toy.

I don't know what was the feeling that was clouding my mind at that time. Was it the feeling of betrayal or was it just simple anger that he hid it from me. I know only one thing.... It hurts... Not physically but still... It hurts a lot.
By the time I reached my car , I felt tears rolling down my eyes. Why the heck was I crying.?

On the way back home , I texted Kong telling to cancel our dinner . He gave me a call as soon I texted. Rejecting his call I turned off my phone . Right now , I don't want to deal with him.

I spend that night wetting my pillow with my tears .

Next time I met him , I was back to how I was 3 months before. I avoided him. Kong and Rome tried approaching me . Let's not forget Mr Bright too. Tho I replied to Rome and Bright at times, I avoided Kong like a plague .

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