chapter 2

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Arthit pov

"...ake up.. oon.. wake up na.. you are getting late.. wake up before I come inside."

And was my cue to wake up..

"Am up ma... Stop knocking..."

Gosh... Should have set an alarm instead of asking my mom to wake me up early. But can you deny me... Our mothers are the best alarms...

After some time... In the diner.

" I am only 26. I don't want to marry right now. Give me some more time."

"But oon. You are already 26. Omegas as this age will not only be married but also have their own children. Is it wrong for your mom to wish to see a grandchild ."

And friends... This is the usual routine during my breakfast. As soon as I satrt chewing my food , the topic on my marriage will start. Aaargh... Is my marriage what they all think of. But lucky me. My ass of an uncle isn't here. Guess he went to his home to visit his unfortunate wife .

Even tho my mom irritates me with my marriage topic , she is my darling . She is trying her level best to make me escape from here controlling brother.

Taking a last bite on my food , I quickly made my way out . But not before I planted a kiss on my mom's cheek .

Maybe I said too much. Luck was not on my side. Just as I was about to open the door to go out , my uncle walked in . Wow.. lucky me..

"Where are you going dressed up like this.. oh wait. You are going for work right... or are you going to go see your lover... Is that why you don't wanna quit your job or get married."

Seriously....because of this old man's accusing me unwantedly ... I even hesitate to date someone...(well that is not the only reason for me not dating anyone )

"Oh dear uncle I am not going anywhere else but to my office. And I am not seeing anyone . If you don't mind can I go.. I am getting quite late. "

Without waiting for any answers , I rushed out... I am getting late...

At the office

Placing my bag aside. I sat in front of my computer to start my work. I am working as a computer engineer in one of the leading graphics company in my country. Haha .. am proud of my acheivment.
My family does own a small company too. I could have got a good position without any trouble. But I think getting a job on my own ability is the best. I can prove myself. I can prove I am independent and not interdependent.

"Late again.... Is it because of your uncle "

"Who else can it be."

That was my best friend since primary school the great Rome who spoke. He is also my colleague now.
" Even if your Shadow disappears one day .. I will still be with you.. " great words spoken by him.

If you are wondering , if a dedicated person like me will open some application in my computer and start coding.. you are absolutely mistaken my friends. Social networking sites comes first before any works

Opening my Instagram page. I started searching for a name just like I have been doing for the past 5 years. His profile soon appeared on my screen. 7.2k followers and 1077 posts. Atleast once in 2 days he uploads a pic with some attractive captions...

I stared at the last pic he updated one day back.

I stared at the last pic he updated one day back

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I am thinking of you....
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Who is he thinking of... Who ever it is,must be  so lucky.
Can this hot specimen be any less hot... Oh gosh..

Drooling over the photo , I forgot to notice the new post he updated seconds jaw nearly touched the floor after seeing it.

You have earsed from my life but not your memories

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You have earsed from my life but not your memories......... #breakup #memories #sea

Di-did he break up with his lover... Really ... OMG...
I was literally celebrating in my mind. He is single after many years of being in a relationship.. great ch-

Rome - "Done stalking him?"

Arthit -  Oh my- stop scarring me like that  Rome. You caused me a mini heart attack. What are you doing standing behind me.

Rome - Since someone was too deep into something that they didn't  notice me calling his name for at least 10 times... I  had to come behind you to see what my so called best friend is in to... since I found that answer . Reply to my other question na..Done stalking him ?

Arthit-  Wh-who is sta-stalking.. I was just randomly going through my newsfeeds.. this is just a random post I came across.

Rome just gave me a "stop lying , I know the truth" look.

Rome - Last week kongpop posted a party pic. He was so handsome in that white T shirt.

Arthit - But he wore dark blue t shirt in that par- oops

Guess the cat is out.

Rome - Not stalking is it..

Arthit-  Oh my Romeeeyyyy

RomeNope not happening.. don't you Romey me Arthit .

Arthit - But-

Rome - My butt is more bigger than you. So no more buts in our discussion. Now about your stalking. I had enough of it Arthit It's been 4-5 years now. Stop this ok. How long are you gonna just look at his photos and love him. Can't you at least try to contact him.if he reject it, let it be .but I am sure he will never reject your message request. And if you are still gonna hide in your cave of insecurities and shyness , and not ready to make any type of approaches to him , try finding someone else and start dating. Or just go marry that Alpha who your uncle wants to dumb you with. Yo-you.. I am so angry with you

Rome stomed back to his seat.
I hate  him when he is right. He knows how I feel about my Kong.
My Kong ?  will he ever be ?

It's been nearly 5  years since I have contacted him or seen him. He was in a relationship until now. Do I still stand a chance with him.. After all this time...
After all my silence....



After I rejected him not once but twice.

This chapter is a dedication to my cousin. Happy birthday Anju... My darling cousin melophile18

I know it's been a week since I updated. I will try to update regularly na..

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