chapter 7(end)

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Arthits POV

Uncle - it's half past 10 now. Where were you till now ?

To say am scared and nervous would be an understatement. Trying hard not to stammer , I tried to answer as convincing as possible.

Arthit - I went for a movie with my friend .

Uncle - and with whom did you go ? With an Alpha or an Omega ?

Arthit - I went with an Omeg-


My head turned towards the right side with the impact of slap I received from my uncle just now. Carelessing  on my now swollen cheek , I glared at the person who caused me this pain

Uncle - you think you can lie to me you little Bitch . Just seconds before I saw you stepping out of an Alphas bike. You dare lie to me that you went to watch the movie with an Omega.

Arthit - I- I went with my Omega friend. But while returning back , my car got punctured . So my alpha friend just dropped me.

Uncle - oh really. How did your Alpha friend appear exactly when your car got punctured.

I looked done not knowing what to answer .

Arthit - I don't know. It was only a coincidence. I di-aaaaaargh...

Tightly holding my hair with his hand , my uncle pulled my head back making me face him. I could literally feel my hair being pulled out.

Uncle - you little Filth. Tell me who that Alpha is ?. Is he the reason why you can't marry the Alpha I choose for you. ?

Arthit - n-no .. he he is only my friend.

Uncle - stop lying you unwanted crap. I told my sister a 100 times to just abort you when she was pregnant. That bitch kept you even after knowing you are an Omega.... I told her you will one day destroy the family name. She didn't listen at that time..... But now she would be eating her own words after knowing how her dear child is behaving . I bet your dad is rolling inside his grave now.

Arthit - i-i am not lying.

Uncle - tell me what is your relationship with that Alpha. Is he the only one or are sleeping around like a whore ?

Arthit - there is nothing in between us.

Uncle - just admit it . He is your lover and you whore around him.

Arthit - please believe me. There is nothing going on between us. This is the first time I saw him in years.
I a- plak...

Uncle - stop it. Stop lying. Just admit your mistakes .

I don't know how long it continued. But I started feeling a heavy headache sometime in between. My swollen cheeks and dark bruises in my arms were not helping much.

Through the window , i can see my mom weeping hard . My asshole of a uncle had locked her before head in a room when she tried to help me.

If I admit that I am in a relationship , the number of hits I get may reduce. But how can I agree to something that is not true. Call it my ego or my foolishness. I won't admit to what I have not done.

I wish I could have at least gone for one date with Kong so that there would be atleast one percent truth in my uncle comments.

I was so tried that I couldn't stay focused. I lost my balance and was about to kiss the floor when a pair of hands caught me.

YOU STOLE MY HEART(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now