chapter 3

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7 years back

Arthits POV

Soaking my feet deep into the wet sand , I stared at the tides that was busy washing the shores. I still remember the first day I stepped into my University. I had a thirst to learn new things and a desire to achieve something high . After all I have someone to prove to . It took me all my strength to convince my family especially my uncle to continue my higher studies.He wanted me to get married.  I had to give them a promise that I will be always on top of my studies as well as I won't have any romantic relationship with anyone . Not that I was interested in.

Like a price tag in new clothes , Rome my bestie was with me .just  Like he was in my kindergarten to high school . An introvert Omega like me and an extrovert Omega like him was the weird but best combination of friends. It was during our hazing period that our little group extended. One was just like Rome , outspoken and loud . Let's not forget shameless too. Bright an alpha. The later addition was Brights best friend aka his partner in crime . A well behaved and intelligent Alpha , kongpop..

We went through the hazing together . And later ... all Projects and God knows what exams too.

Rome and Bright were like two peas in a pod. Craziness overloaded. Where as Kong was quite different. He wasn't an extrovert but still a bowl of positiveness . It's rare to see him without a smile.

Two years passed by quickly and now it's our turn to haze our first-years. Today being the last day of hazing , we had a small party near the sea. The same place where we were pronounced as the official Juniors for our seniors.

In the last two years I kept my promise to my mom. I always remained in the first 3 ranks. Not only that , as her wish I kept rejecting all the proposals I received. Rome received few too . Let's not forget about Bright and Kong especially Kong who received proposals and chocolates every few days . Thanks to him , we enjoyed quite many chocolates for free. What surprised me the most was , he rejected everything. I have a reason but why did he

While I was busy thinking about my not so romantic life , I failed to notice someone sitting beside me.

..."Penny for your thoughts . "

That bought me out of my dreams.

A - Nothing much ... Just about our last 2 years.

K - Oh.. feeling nostu .

I couldn't help but chuckle at his word game.

A - Ya ya nostu..

K - Have you heard about the star messenger .There is a myth that Northern star is the messenger of moon godness. On every full moon day at sharp 12 midnight. Make a wish. The northern star will carry all the wishes and pass it down to moon godness. Then the moon godness hears our wishes and will grant it.

A- You believe those myths ?

K - Ofcourse I do. Those are real.

A- So have you ever made a wish and has it come true.?

K - It is going to come true .

A - Really... So what was your wish.

K - I wished that I get enough courage to confess to my crush.

A - Crush ... Seriously...? No wonder why you kept rejecting those proposals. So tell me. Who is that lucky Omega ?

KSo you think my crush is lucky.

A - Ofcourse they will be lucky to get someone like you . So now... Tell me who is it.

K -  .. it's you .

To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

A - What. ?

K - It's you Arthit. I always had a crush on you. I don't know when it started or how it ......

I couldn't hear the rest . My mind was blank. How could he . How could he confess to a friend. Was it the promise I gave to my mom or my ego that stood high . Or was it that the last few confessions I got was because they knew that I was a heir for a big company. I didn't know.

A - No

K- Wh- what .

A- No... I can't accept it. I don't what to be in a relationship right now especially to you who hide it from me for so long.

K - But I was afraid that it will ruin our friendship.

A- Oh... As if now it won't.

I quickly stood up and started making my  way to my room. I can still hear him trying to apologise to me. asking can we forget it... but I can't ....I know i am acting like an ass right now. But what can I do. I can't like him or anyone for now. I have to keep studying. I have to achieve something. I have to prove to many that an Omega is not weak.

I avoided him for the whole trip. I know he was desperately trying to reach me . But I kept avoiding him . I know that what he has for me is a small crush . He will forget it soon. I kept avoiding him even after the trip. As days pass by , him trying to reach me too reduced. Soon he stopped it. Even tho they try to act normal ,  Am sure Rome and Bright are aware about what's happening between us. Tho the distance between me and Kong increased  Rome and Bright didn't change much..
By the time our third year was ending , a rumour was spread. Kongpop the third year handsome alpha from computer engineering department is dating Ohm a cute  Omega , from first year Arts department .

Didn't I tell you he will forget me. After all he is an Alpha right .


Plz don't kill me for late updates. I am having a freaking writers block. I couldn't get my old flow of writing.

Tho this chapter seems boring , bare with me till the end na.

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