Chapter 16

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Jinyoung got three iced coffees from the cafe, for himself, Youngjae and BamBam. He rarely bought stuff from the cafe, not wanting to arouse any suspicions. He still needed to act a worker who had not much money to spare.

But today, he wanted to treat the other two. They were surprised when Jinyoung entered the staff room with the drinks.

"For us?" BamBam asked, licking his lips as Jinyoung put the drinks on the table and seated himself.

"For who else?"

"Yay!" Youngjae hugged Jinyoung and nuzzled against him. "That's why we love you, hyung."

"You two are just like kids. Happy when you see something delicious to eat or drink?"

"Very!" BamBam said, enthusiastically.

They opened their lunchboxes and started to dig in. Youngjae and BamBam were obviously in high spirits; BamBam talked more and Youngjae's laughter was louder than usual. It must have been such a long while since they had had a meal with a drink.

They had apples for dessert and Youngjae was recounting one of his childhood stories in his grandmother's garden. The wall clock showed that there were ten minutes left before the lunch break was over.

"I want to go back to my hometown," Youngjae said, longingly, "There's only one day off each week. And on those days, I can't help but sleep all day."

"I also do nothing special on such days," BamBam said, "Hey, I've got an idea. What about us meeting and hanging out on those days? That'll be great."

"We can meet here almost everyday anyway. It won't make any difference." It was actually impossible for Jinyoung; he had to be in the police headquarters when he was not here.

"Argh, you're no fun, hyung. Right, we meet here everyday but we rarely see you because you're usually booked," BamBam said.

"Booked?" Jinyoung asked.

Youngjae burst out laughing when he understood what BamBam meant. "Oh, yes, hyung's always in demand. Have you met him today yet?"

Only then Jinyoung got what they were talking about. "Stop, you two. Before I regret ever buying you drinks."

"He's avoiding my question. Seems like he's already met Mr. Tuan today," Youngjae said to BamBam.

"I haven't. And I'm not going to. Shake a leg. The lunch break's already over," Jinyoung urged them so that they would stop.

The claim he had made was only partially true, however. Because as much as he had no intention to meet Mark, in the afternoon Mark appeared at the counter and asked for him.

"I'm going to the golf course," Mark said once Jinyoung was in front of him, "And I need some company."


"No buts."

"If it'll take too long, I can't," Jinyoung reasoned.

"What, you're refusing to give a customer service?" Mark said, with an expression that said he had got Jinyoung under his control.

"I don't mean it like that."

"Then let's go." Mark took Jinyoung's hand and led him out of the hotel and to the golf course. As if it were the most natural thing to do.

"Are you playing alone?"

"Yes," Mark said. "Don't tell me you were expecting Shiwoo hyung too." They were now at the counter for Mark to get the golf bag. And when it arrived, Jinyoung offered to carry it for him. But Mark would not let him.

On the course, Mark chose the spot and started the preparations. He looked so earnest that Jinyoung got curious. "Do you like playing golf?"

Mark's lips turned in a smug smile. "You're interested in me, aren't you? Well, I like it. To some extent. Can you play?"

Jinyoung shook his head. Although he could and had been to some golf clubs with his teammates. He'd better be careful not to give away his actual economic status.

"Shall I teach you?"

Jinyoung shook his head again, vigorously this time. "I'm not interested."

He watched Mark play and wondered how come his presence was needed. It was not like they were talking and there would not have been any difference even if Mark were alone now.

Then he remembered the business party Mark had mentioned yesterday and wanted to pry a little. "How did the party go?"

That halted Mark; he turned to Jinyoung with amusement evident in his eyes. "You really care about my affairs now, don't you? It was splendid, to say the least. When Shiwoo hyung and I got back to the hotel, it was almost midnight. The food, the drinks and the host, everything was great."

Jinyoung's interest was piqued, "Mr. Kim was there too?"

"Out of all I said, that's the only thing you hear?" Mark showed his displeased face. "Are you still hanging on him? Still interested in someone... a lot older than you?"

Mark pulled Jinyoung towards him and tilted his chin with his free hand, which did not hold the golf club. Jinyoung felt distressed; it was just impossible to get any information out of Mark.

"I never said I'm interested in him," Jinyoung stated, "Please let go of me. People are watching us."

"I see no one," Mark gripped Jinyoung's chin a little tighter and looked deep into his eyes, as if to see when Jinyoung would waver and tell the truth. "You never said. But how come your eyes are bright whenever I mention him?"

Well, for different reasons. "Is there a problem?"

That was the wrong choice of reply, Jinyoung knew, when Mark set his jaw and looked more serious than before. "Are you saying that you like him?"

"I meant, even if I did, there shouldn't have been any problem," Jinyoung stood his ground.

"It'd hurt my pride, don't you understand? When compared to him-"

"Yes, you're better in everything. That's what you want to hear, right?"

"Then why don't you like me instead?" When Jinyoung grimaced, Mark laughed and eventually let go of him. "Well, don't get the idea that I'm desperate. This is all just a matter of playing."

Just like that, Mark went back to playing golf and for another hour, Jinyoung stood there sullenly till Mark finished.

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