Day 4: On A Date

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(The conversation, minus the cliff part, is actually one that my boyfriend and I had on Saturday. Just a little fun fact! uwu)

Jake laughed as Bryan did an exaggerated impression of Mario, bugging his eyes and puckering his lips. He laughed so hard, he almost fell off the cliff they were on.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jakey~Poo," Bryan said, grabbed the back of Jake's shirt. "Don't fall on me, I don't want my boyfriend plummeting to his doom this early in our relationship."

"So, you want to plummet to my doom later in the relationship?" Jake asked slyly.

"W-what?! O-Of course not, what I meant was, not wait I meant-"

Jake bust out laughing. "Hahahaha! Look at your face, Bryan!"

"H-Hey! T-That isn't f-funny!" 

"Serves you right for all the times you've embarrassed me."

"Meh, I take the point. But, actually bring something up. Something I've been thinking about for a long time..."

"What is it?" Jake asked.

"Jakey, do you think we'll be in each other's future?"

Jake blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Jake, I don't know if you know this, but...I do like you, a lot. I know that we've only been dating for about two weeks,'re still one of the best boyfriends I've ever had. I want you to be in my future and I want to be in yours. I just worry about it a lot..."

"Hey, you're not alone. I worry about the future too. What might happen to me, to you, to our siblings, to our's something to keep your mind on. But there is one thing that I will not change."

"And that is?" Bryan asked.

"Being with you. I'll say it again, your flirting didn't always make me comfortable, especially when you flirted in public, but still...I really like you too. Because of that, I am making sure that I stay in your future. And that's a promise."

"Hopefully, that's a promise you can keep."

"I'll make sure of it."

Bryan sighed in contentment and placed his arm over Jake's shoulder. Jake rested his head on Bryan's shoulder and shut his eyes.

They sat like that in silence for about half an hour, cuddling and listening to the ocean crashing on the rocks below.

Then, Bryan whispered into Jake's ear, "Hey, do you feel about pranking Xylo and Brick?"

Jake chuckled and opened his eyes to look at his boyfriend. "I love the idea. What do you have in mind?"

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