Day 18: Doing Something Together

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Jake looked down at the sea, crashing against the cruise ship. His Hawaiian flower shirt and his bright purple shorts (his only choice of pants) ruffled in the breeze. Lo'Pho has scored them a sweet cruise ship ride for a week. Everyone else had taken advantage of the all-you-can-eat buffet, but he just loved the pool and the view from the prow of the ship. (For those who don't know what a prow is, it's basically the front of the ship)

"Hey, Jakey!"

No surprise, Bryan came walking up to him. This time though, Jake had to bite back a laugh at Bryan's Hawaiian coconut shirt and his flower-print shorts. They always got a good laugh, especially on a fire mage like Bryan, who was normally terrifying and manly. (Yeah, suuuuure)

"So, what do you think of this sweet cruise? I'm glad Lo'Pho was able to score it so fast?"

"What do you want to bet that he fooled the ship owners into lending it to us?" Jake asked.

"Well, that's a given. Anyways, Kayla and Relena are kinda in a food fight."

"What happened this time?"

"Well, Kayla turned into Oliver to entertain the others, but she forgot to change back to a human when she went back to her own food and walked all over Relena's. So, yeah, they're in a bit of a food fight," Bryan explained.

"Who's winning?"

"Last I checked, Relena had knocked Kayla out with a rock-hard loaf of bread, so I'd have to give it to her."

"Is Kayla dead?"

"No, not yet. But I think Relena still wants vengeance."

Jake laughed and punched Bryan in the shoulder. "Stop being so mean."

"What did I do?! Unlike the others, who were egging them on, I was trying to stop the fight! So, leave me alone!"

An idea hit Jake. He had recently seen a super cheesy, but sweet movie and he had been dying to try this out. "I have something that will make it up to both of us."


Jake grinned. "Let me be the wind in your sails."

Bryan blushed ridiculously hard. "You can't be serious, Jakey."

"One time. I've been wanting to do this ever since I saw the Titanic. If you do this with me, I will leave you alone about the food fight, and maybe other things."

Bryan groaned. "Uhhhhh...this is so embarrassing..."

Jake chuckled. "I live to embarrass you."

Jake got on the edge of the prow and held his arms out in a T-pose. Bryan followed him and gently wrapped his arms around his waist. Jake instantly saw why this scene was so famous. It was...exhilarating. 

"H-H-How l-long do we have to do this for?" Bryan stuttered.

"Are you wanting to leave?"

Bryan paused and smiled. "I-I just want to know how long I can enjoy this."

Jake blushed. Even when he was a flustered idiot, Bryan was adorable.

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