Day 5: Kissing

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Bryan stood at the edge of the balcony, looking at the moon. His black robes rustled in the breeze and his hair was brushed away from his face. He looked down at the courtyard. Everything looked so fantastical, bathed in silver. Of course, he lived in a world where dragons lived and tigers could become wizards, so it wasn't much of a big deal. He focused on the roses and felt the familiar pang of sadness. After all, how could he not remember his mom whenever he looked at them...and the story of how she died still stuck out in his mind painfully well.

( :(Prepare for a made-up story that's painfully sad and unaccurate.)

When he was five, he and his mom had been walking through an alleyway to meet up with some of his mom's friends when two power thieves had jumped them. 

Power thieves...they were twisted demons who took every magic they could get their hands on and sold it to the highest bidder.

Anyways, they had jumped them and stolen what little power Bryan had as a five-year-old since his mom did have any power, but...this pair had been different. They always killed their targets, just to make a clean job of it. This pair had attempted to do just that with Bryan, but...his mom had gotten between the knife and him...

He shook his head to try and clear his mind of that image. As always, it failed.

"Hey, Bryan?"

Bryan turned around and smiled. There he was: that blue-haired adorable person named Jakey.

"H-H-Hey, Jakey. How are you?"

"I'm alright. You?"

"Yeah, fi- Wait, how did you get in my house?!" Bryan yelped.

Jakey chuckled. "Lo'Pho has taught me a few things. But, aside from that, what's new?"

"Nothing, except for Bri being a pain in the butt this morning."

"What did she do this time?"

"She stole my doughnut!" 

They laughed and talked for a few more minutes and while Jake was laughing over Bryan's rant about Bri stealing his doughnut, Bryan stared at him. His cheeks were pink and his eyes were brighter than he had ever seen them before. That's when he couldn't help himself. He lunged and grabbed Jake's waist.

Bryan was shocked at himself, but his desires were overpowering any rational thought or feeling. Jake didn't try and pull away. In fact, he wrapped his arms around Bryan's neck, pulling them even closer together. Bryan stared into Jake's beautiful amber eyes...his face was burning hot, even for him...

When Jake kissed him, he felt like his brain was melting through his head.


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