Day 12: Long Distance

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(...This fanart of Oliver is so freaking cute, I don't know what to do. Meh, I'll just write fanfics. Oh wait, I'm rambling again. I do this with cute things. ON WITH IT!!!)

Jake sat on the floor of his clock home, playing with Oliver to try and distract himself. Bryan had gone with Bri to find the Dragon Queen. This, in itself, wasn't an issue. But there was something that was scaring him to death.

Kayla had told him that the Vinet brothers, a pair of extremely dangerous power thieves, had been hiding out in the same mountains that the Dragon Queen had been last seen.

To make matters worse, Bri and Bryan had left over a month ago.

Jake kept assuming the worst: that the Vinet brothers had found them and...Jake didn't want to think about what would happen if they had met them. He knew that Bryan would be very vulnerable due to what happened when he was 5... he was so scared for him that he hadn't left his clock tower. No one, not even Kayla, had been able to convince him to come out. Lo'Pho teleported inside to give him meals every day, but that was the only contact he had with anything besides Oliver. The little blue and yellow magic fox was his only company and friend.

He heard his door creak open. He yelled down, "Kayla, I'm not coming down. I've said before and I'll say it again, I am not coming down."

"Were you really being that rude to Kayla?" A man's voice asked. 

Jake knew that voice instantly. He dashed over to the ladder and slid down it at the speed of light. When he got to the bottom, he hugged Bryan like he would never let go.

Bryan hugged him back. "What's up, Jakey?"

"Where have you been, you idiot?!" Jake yelled at him. "Do you have any idea of how worried I've been about you?!!? You and Bri were gone for a month! Plus, the Vinet brothers-"

"Oh, yeah, we ran into them. Bri got seriously hurt fighting them, so we had to camp out in that mountain so she could recover. I had to fight them off more than once, and they're a hard pair to beat."

Jake looked at him. "You fought them off all on your own?"

Bryan smiled. "Why so surprised?"

"I just thought...what happened to you when you were a kid..."

"Well, that hindered me a little bit, but I just used a famous trick."


Bryan chuckled and blushed. "This is a clichè, but...I imagined them in their underwear."

Jake laughed and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.

Bryan's face went bright red. "H-Hey! W-What was that for?!"

"I was just giving my brave boyfriend the reward he deserves."

If possible, Bryan went even redder. "S-S-Since when did you get so ch-cheesy?"

"Since you came back." Jake hugged him even closer. "Do you want to stay for a while?"

"J-Jeez, you're a sweet-talker, aren't you?" But Bryan allowed Jake to lead him upstairs.

What they did that afternoon? Well, that's a story for another day.

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