Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Carter Reynolds


Kayla's POV 

I open the curtain to see Cam. "What the hell" I scream as Cam is yelling 'ahhh'. I just turn bright red, and cover my face. Soon his screaming stops. "Hey, Beautiful, dont be shy, im not gonna hurt or judge you. I love you, I hope you know that." Cam says pulling my arms away from my face and hugging me.               " naked" I say Stuttering. "I know! You have a VERY fine body By the way" He says pulling away with a big grin putting emphasis on the word 'Very'. "Um, thanks haha." I giggle. 

He looks up at me, and stares deep into my eyes. I wonder what he is thinking about?. He starts to lean in, and I dont know what to do, so I start to lean in to. He smashes his lips into mine, and our lips move in sync. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I deny it. He groans into the kiss. I just grin really big. I think im really starting to like Cam. I know its quick but he is so Cute. "Stop, Teasing!" He demands. I just keep denying him. He squeezes my butt, surprising me, making me open my mouth, he slips his tongue in just it time. "He laughs in the kiss.  "Jump!" He demands. 

I might as well. I jump and he hold my legs up and I wrap them around his waist. He carries me out of the bathroom and walks over to the door and locks it with his hand, while the other is holding me up by my butt. Im actually really starting to like this. If what I think is going to happen, happens I'm not gonna regret it. We keep making out, it starts to get heated very quickly. He carries me over to the bed and places me down on my back. Then he walks over to his suitcase and grabs something, but he puts it in his pocket. Im assuming it was a condom. 

Cam comes back over and leans over me. He starts making out with me again and grinding on me. I pull at the hem of his shirt still not breaking the kiss. He breaks the kiss for a split second and pulls his shirt off over his head. He immediatly smashing he lips back to mine immediatly, and it was rough. Though I enjoyed it, I pushed him away and started to unbuckle his belt. I make sure to go extra slow so that he gets impatient. "Oh come on, dont do this to me." He says getting very impatient. I just laugh at him.

He gets frustrated and just quickly undoes his pants and pulls them down, then he throws them over his head. He leans down and kiss my neck, immediatly finding my sweet spot. "Cam..." I moan. He starts smiling, obviously proud of himself. He makes smalll kisses all the way down to my thang . He opens my legs seductivly. Then he digs his face down into there licking ther, and oh my god does it feel good. "Oh my god!" I say. "Thats what i wanna hear" He says. He leans up kissing me, ew, thats like tasting myself. He pulls away and positions himself into place.

 "You ready?" He asks me. "Yes!" I say eager. Then he gives me a look like ' Are you sure? '. I nod fast. Damn, what this boy can do to you. He pushes into me, it hurts really bad at first, then he leans down and wipes a tear I didnt even know was there. "Do you want me to stop?" He asks concerned. "No, its alright keep going."I reply. He thrusts into me more and more and soon it satrts to become pleasure. Woah i thought people were exaggerating when they said how good it was, but they weren't. "Cam.." I moan. "I know" He says. "Faster!" I yell. He follows my command. Only he doubles it, he goes faster and deeper. Soon enough were both yelling and moaning a variety of things. "Cam, im close." I say. "Me too" He replies just before he cums inside me. Then he pulls out and lays beside me. We then fall  fast asleep while im cuddle into him, tracing his abs with my fingernails. "Goodnight Beautiful" He kisses me on my forehead. "Night Cam" I say drifting off to sleep. 

I cant believe we just did that, he is my boyfriends- exboyfriends best fiend. But im actually starting to like Cam, not just because he was my first. Because he actually cares about my feelings and is gentle with me. 

"I wake up to a loud knock at the door. I check the time, and it was only 2 minutes ago that me and Cam fell asleep. Im still naked. "Open the fuck up right now, before I bust this door down." The Voice Yells. I get up and wrap a robe around me and go look through the peep hole and see.......


Looks like, things are changing course. Whats Gonna happen now. What will Nash do if he finds out. I dont know. Okay maybe I do know but your just gonna have to read on to find out what the future holds for all of them. Vote, Comment, Read, Share, Follow                                       ~StayFierce CaitlynRose!

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