I Told You So, The Bronx School of Science Girl

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I just look at the television screen and laugh, shaking my head at the memory. It's been about a year now and he looked different, but I remember him clearly.

Y/n: "Ben Perkins," I shake my head again, chuckling.

Arun: "I mean, he tried to tell you?" He shrugs.

Y/n: "Shut up," I throw a pillow at him.

Maddie: "So he wasn't crazy," she laughs.

I remember the day Arun introduced him to us. Plus, I'd be lying if I didn't say he was incredibly cute...


It was a usual day at the Bronx High School of Science. I got there pretty early and sat on the steps in the front with Maddie and Kristen as we waited for Arun to show up, but when he did, he wasn't alone.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at Maddie, who just shrugs before we stand and face Arun and...?

Arun: "Hey guys, this is my cousin, Ben."

Y/n: "Nice to meet you, Ben," I offer a smile.

Ben/Tom: "Nice to meet you," he smiles back.

Maddie: "But, what's up? Why is he here?"

Arun: "Oh, he goes here now."

Y/n: "What do you mean he goes here?"

Ben/Tom: "I, uh, transferred."

But it's the middle of the year?

I open my mouth to speak but the bell rings, so I just nod and purse my lips at the two suspicious boys before turning around to walk away.

Y/n: "See you guys at lunch!" I call behind me.

And I'm heading to class when I hear a small alarm go off at the front door... Of course it's this Ben dude.

Security: "I'm sorry, your ID doesn't seem to be valid."

Arun: "It's his first day, so there might be issues," he blurts out quickly as he and Ben glance at me.

I just furrow my brows again. Okay? And walk away.

Why were they acting so weird?

By lunch, a lot of people were talking about Ben. Like I said, it was the middle of the year, and Senior year for us... So how was he able to just transfer in?

Y/n: "So, what school did you go to before this?"

Ben/Tom: "Oh... Uh..."

Arun: "He was homeschooled."

Ben/Tom: "Yeah... But I realized I didn't want to be homeschooled anymore, at least not for senior year... I just never got that high school experience, y'know?"

Kristen: "You must be really smart then, to be able to just waltz your way into here from homeschool."

Ben/Tom: "Nah... I just had to take some tests to see what I qualified for."


I was starting to get a lot of attention by the middle of the day, and not necessarily the good kind... Especially by Arun's friends... Although this y/n girl was the most intriguing.

I could tell she was skeptical about me the whole time I was there, yet she was always friendly and welcoming... And I thought she was really pretty.

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