You Were Right, The Girl from the Pub Quiz

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The instagram live pub quiz was interesting to say the least. I was having a lot of fun but it definitely wasn't going as smooth as I thought it would... We all know how I do with technology.

Harry started off by coming in every 5 minutes to yell at me about everything I was doing wrong- 

The music is too loud! 

You're showing the answers on the back! 

Slow down, you're going too fast! 

 Yeah... He eventually just joined me to help alongside Harrison lingering in the background. 

 We finally finished going through all the questions and were inviting people to join our live to go over the answers... Just when I thought it couldn't get anymore chaotic! I loved them all, but most of them had no clue what was even going on. I tried my best to laugh it off but I could tell Harry was getting even more frustrated. 

We tried to lighten the mood, especially Harrison who copes by chuckling in the background, and we succumbed to picking profile pictures with dogs in attempt to ease the tension. 

An adorable little girl, Maddie from nearby Teddington, answered this time and we asked to see her puppy, to which she excitedly ran through her house to find. 

She settled on what seemed to be her living room floor and propped us up on what I can assume was a coffee table as she leaned back against the sofa and carried her puppy in her lap. 

After some cooing over the furbaby and not expecting her to know the answers anyway, but trying our best to get through this, we asked her what the name of Thor's hammer was. 

Maddie: "Oh! Um... Mol... Mil..." She seemed to think and she was close, our hopes rising at the surprise that she might know the answer and was actually participating in the quiz, "... HEY, Y/N!?" She suddenly yelled, and we laughed even more when she turned around and we realized whoever it was she was calling for, was only sitting right behind her on the sofa. 

Y/n: "Maddie, I'm right here," we heard an older girl in the background who must have been just out of frame, "But you almost got it. I told you earlier, remember? You know it." 

Maddie: "Mule... Near...?" She squinted in the older girl's direction and then towards us to be critiqued- Tom: "Close enough!" 

Harry: "That was good, Maddie!" She beamed at our praise and then- 

Maddie: "I know how to spell it though!" And proceeded to spell it out for us. 

Tom: "Wow! Do you want to answer another one then, Maddie? You think you up for it?" And just as she nodded excitedly, I realized just how contagious her excitement was, catching a glimpse at my and the boys' new genuinely smiles in the screen reflecting us. 

Tom: "You want to ask this one Haz?" 

Haz: "Oh, alright... You ready Maddie?" He asked as he squeezed himself between me and Harry, "Alright... Who played Adrian Toomes in Spiderman: Homecoming?" 

Her face dropped slightly and confusion filled her expression and we couldn't help but pout, feeling bad for getting rid of the smile that lingered before. 

Maddie: "Um..." She started to look around again. 

Y/n: "You need help, Mads?" She said quietly and we saw a tiny bit of the girl as she scooted up to speak softer towards Maddie's ear when she nodded yes. 

Maddie: "Adrian... Toomes?" 

Y/n: "The vulture, Mads," she chuckled. 

Maddie: "Oh! The one dad called Batman!" 

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