The Intern, Y/n Downey

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I sounded like a child, I know, but to be honest... I felt like one and I didn't care right now. I don't remember the last time I begged my dad for something- He taught me as soon as he could that I need to earn everything I was given, no handouts, especially because he is who he is and he knew that...

RDJ: "No," he held up his hands, "Y/n, I said no."
Y/n: "Pleeeease? Come on, dad, please!"

RDJ: "What'd I say? You have to earn it."
Y/n: "I'm trying, but this is the only opportunity I've had. I heard you talking to mom! You were thinking about it."

RDJ: "Ugh," he rolled his eyes and stormed into the kitchen, but I continued to follow him.
Y/n: "I've been going to all my acting classes! I mean- I've been casted in bigger roles with more speaking and acting-"

RDJ: "But not in bigger movies like this," he muttered as he poured himself a glass of juice, raising his brows down at it.
Y/n: "Okay, but everyone at the studio already said I'm ready and that I earned it. I know they're your colleagues so you think they're just being nice, but I think I'm good for it!"

RDJ: "This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain British young man... Or men, if you count his PA best friend..."
Y/n: "I don't even like British guys," I rolled my eyes, "I just want the part and I think I'd nail it. It's like 2-lines."

RDJ: "2-lines is big deal. Positioning, body language, coordi-"
Y/n: "I know that! But you know I'm over-qualified already!"

RDJ: "Quite confident, are we?" Popping some bread into the toaster and crossing his arms as he leant against the counter.
Y/n: "Just like my dad," I wiggled my brows.

RDJ: "Fine. But you have to promise you can control yourself."
Y/n: "Over what?"
RDJ: "You know what."

Y/n: "I don't even know how he looks like. Plus, if I wanted this for the boys- I've already met all the Chrises," I shrugged.
RDJ: "I'm going to ignore that. They're practically your uncles."
Y/n: "Very hot uncles," I laughed at his fatherly death stare.

RDJ: "Ugh. Go get ready then," he swatted like I was a fly.
Y/n: "You're the best!" I ran off, but not before giving him a kiss on the cheek and stealing his toast that just popped out.

RDJ: "You're a pain in my ass," he almost sang after me.

I heard him make a phone call to the set telling them to prepare for my role/scene and turns out they did, knowing that he'd give in eventually and prepared just in case.When we got to set, I hugged everyone I already knew but haven't seen in a while, even the old janitor, Doug, whose primary purpose was to help clean the set after scene.

Scarlett: "You know we never called anyone back for the part?"
Chris E: "Yeah, you were the best audition anyway and I'm not just saying that."
Joe: "Don't lie to her, Chris," I suddenly heard behind me.

Y/n: "Uncle Joe! Did you just get here too?" I hugged him.
Joe: "Don't tell your father that," he laughed, "But I'm joking- Your audition really was the best and you know I don't lie."
Chris E: "Oh, we know," he playfully rolled his eyes.

Scarlett: "I never got to ask how it went back home after your dad found out you auditioned behind his back?"
Y/n: "Not that bad actually. He was offended at first but has no right to be. He tells me I have to earn everything so it's not like I was going to 'tell daddy I wanted a role in their movie.'"

When Scarlett and I were called into hair and makeup...

Scarlett: "Have you met Tom yet?" She chuckled and looked at me through the mirror in front of us.
Y/n: "No," I rolled my eyes, "What's he like?"
Scarlett: "Sweet kid, adorable accent, both his British and American. Has a little baby raspiness to it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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