Unexpected Guest, The Babysitter

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Paddy: "Seriously, mom!? I'll be fine!"

Nikki: "I know, hunny, but you're too young to be home alone overnight like that."

Paddy: "But I'm too old for a babysitter!?"

He wasn't, but I'd play nice. He was only 9 years old! 10 in December, but still, he wasn't even at double digits!

Tom had just turn 18 and was starting to get pretty busy with his acting career, constantly going on more auditions that he was barely in London.

Sam and Harry had gone on a little camping trip with friends, and Paddy had his own little acting class in the morning and didn't want to come with Dom and I to a business meeting across the way anyway.

Nikki: "Then don't think of them as a babysitter, rather, a friend to keep you company."

Paddy: "I think being alone is better than having a stranger into our home. He could be a serial killer!"

I'd laugh at my beautiful boy and shake my head, opening my mouth to reply just as the doorbell rang-

Nikki: "Oh, there she is," I'd give him a wink.

Paddy: "A lady!?" He'd whine as we'd walk over.

But he'd hang back and stand by the stairs, resting his hand on the railing and his cheek on his hand in defeat... I'd chuckle in amusement, but he stayed out of view as I opened the door and greeted y/n.

Nikki: "Y/n! It's so nice to see you!"

Y/n: "Nikki! Thank you so much again!"

I think Paddy caught a glimpse of her as she leaned in to hug me. When I glanced over at him, he was now standing up straight, no longer grudgingly hunched by the stairs, or perhaps he heard her voice.

Nikki: "Come on in!"

Y/n: "Wow. It's a beautiful home, Nikki," she says as her eyes wander around, a backpack hung over her shoulder.

Nikki: "This is Paddy," I'd gesture over to my now shy son.

Where did that little attitude from earlier go?

I'd resist the urge to smirk at his shift in demeanor now that he'd realized his babysitter was a pretty, 18 year old girl rather than an older lady.

Y/n: "Nice to meet you Paddy," she'd bend over a little bit and offer a hand.

He'd smile and shake it, but remained quiet.

Nikki: "He'll talk your ears off eventually," I'd whisper in her ear, "But let me show you to the guest room."

I'd briefly show her around, even pointing out which rooms belong to which of my son's, although she barely had a clue about who was who.

Y/n was the daughter of a close friend of mine, but had consistently been part of a study abroad program, so I hadn't seen her much even if they lived pretty near to us, but she was finally back.

I think she's briefly met my boys ages ago at a holiday party but I dont think any of them would remember, them all being awkward teens.

Anyway, I was out for tea with y/n's mother when she'd ask if I was available to take some portraits of y/n, and in exchange, I'd ask if she could babysit Paddy while we were away so I didn't have to force him to come along.

Nikki: "I guess that's it... He's not allergic to anything and he has acting class tomorrow at 9am."

Y/n: "Okay, great," she'd nod, "Any tricks I should know about?" She chuckles, clearly having done this before.

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