My Lucky Day, The Girl from the Lobby

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Harry, Haz, and I had just arrived at our hotel in LA. Oh, and my manager and bodyguard, but they'd be staying in different rooms.

Anyway, we went straight to dinner after landing, so it was already about 6pm when we got to check-in.

While we were waiting for everything to get confirmed, the boys and I took advantage of the pool and ping pong tables in the lobby.

Harry had slammed the ball so quickly, I had no chance and it practically went flying.

Tom: "Bro-" I whine, raising my hands in a wtf manner.

Girl: "Oh!" I hear soft reaction of surprise.

I turn around to find that the ball had bounced its way over to the feet of a girl... A very attractive girl.

She picks it up and starts walking over to us.

She was wearing a casual dress, probably coming from a day of shopping or a dinner perhaps, as she had just walked into the lobby, though it seemed she had already been staying here as she was heading straight for the elevators.

Girl: "Nice," she says as she nods and tosses the ball toward me and I clumsily catch it.

Harry: "Sorry about that," he says from behind me.

Girl: "It's no problem," she flashes a smile at the three of us, "Have a good night!"

And she walks away before I could even say a word.

I tried to look around to see if she was with anyone... Yes, specifically if she was with a guy, but she seemed to be alone? No one joining her into the elevator.

Haz: "Mate, you're staring."

Tom: "She was cute," I finally turn around.

Haz: "Yeah, she was," he shrugs.

Harry: "Your serve."

Later that night, the boys and I ordered a some beer and were trying to decide on something to watch.

Harry: "I heard the Flash is really good."

Tom: "Seriously?"

Harry: "What? So we can't like DC at all?"

Haz just laughs as he takes a swig of his beer.

Harry: "So is that a no?"

Tom: "Well, I can't think of anything else right-"

*girl screams*

Haz: "Did you guys hear that?"

Tom: "Hear wh-"

*multiple girls scream*

Harry: "I definitely heard that."

Haz: "You think they're okay?"

Tom: "Is that next door?"

I stand up and put my ear against the wall.

We can't really understand what they're saying, but we just listen for a bit and eventually hear some thumps and bangs, so we get a little concerned.

Tom: "Should we check on them?"

Harry: "Should we call someone?"

We just look at each other for a second.

Haz: "Maybe we should just knock and see what's up? And if it seems like anything crazy, then we can call?"

We agree on that plan and head out our door and to the next one and knock. For some reason, it was clearer to hear than through the wall.

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