Unfiltered, The Social Media Influencer

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Haz: "You ready for this, mate?"

Tom: "I've been on tons of interviews," I look at him with a face that said as-a-matter-of-fact.

Harry: "Yeah, but this is Unfiltered," he chuckles.

Unfilitered was a popular talkshow that only aired on the internet/youtube because it was too much for television.

Tom: "I know?" I raise my hands up, "I'll be fine, guys. Thank you though."

And I was fine.

I got Tomdaya questions, I got questions about Olivia. I even got questions about when I lost my virginity. I read thirst tweets, I read snippets of dirty fanfiction.

But none of that is what I took most away from that interview, surprisingly... It was when they made me watch videos of other people who talked about me.

I watched a lot of heartwarming videos, girls who talked about their experiences meeting me and guys who talked about how much of an idol I was to them or how much they thought I was perfect for the Spidey role.

But it wasn't until I watched a compilation of videos where youtubers, small or big, would say I'm like their celebrity or crush or jokingly made proposals.

RandomYoutuber#1: "Tom Holland is... Oof-"

Merrell Twins: "I love Tom Holland!"

RandomYoutuber#2: "So if you're watching this, Tom, I might need a prom date or whatever, so you know-"

NikkieTutorials: "Kinda been obsessing over Tom Holland."

RandomYoutuber#3: "Totally in love with Tom Holland."

I'd laugh at the screen at the little snippets of these lighthearted jokes, some part of skits, some part of dares, but one girl in particular caught my attention.

She looked familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, and I think the Unfiltered cast wanted me to focus on her, her compilation part being the last and longest.

She was in a game of Say It or Shot It on this very stage, her punishment shots being a mix of the grossest combination of foods and sauces, and she was asked who her honest celebrity crush was.

She smiled and shook her head at the question and put the drink in her hand, swirling it around, comtemplating whether she wanted to answer it or take the shot.

Her Interviewer: "Oh, come on!" He chuckles, "It's likely they won't even see this depending who it is. No wait, I take that back. He could. Or she," he shrugs.

Y/n: "You never know, man!" She laughs, "I- Uh... Hmm..."

You hear people in the backgrond chanting 'drink it'.

Her Interviewer: "No! I want her to answer the question, guys! She's too badass, she's already drank 3 times! It's not that bad of a question!"

Y/n: "Alright, alright," she finally put the drink down, "My celebrity crush is... Tom Holland," she leans back and puts her hands up in defeat, laughing as she shakes her head, the crowd erupting in cheers.

And the entire video is over, her's and the compilation.

Tom: "Who was that?" I accidently say out loud before remembering that I was being filmed, but it was too late.

Interviewer: "That's y/n y/l/n."

Tom: "Why does that sound familiar?"

Interviewer: "She's a youtuber and instagram influencer. Why, Tom?" He says insinuatingly, raising a brow.

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